Dưới đây là câu trả lời cho bài tập điền từ "few, a few, little, a little":
Exercise 7: Fill “few, a few, little, a little” in the blank.
1. I have a few good friends. I’m not lonely.
2. There are few people she really trusts. It’s a bit sad.
3. Julie gave us a few apples from her garden. Shall we share them?
4. There are fewwomen politicians in the UK. Many people think there should be more.
5. Do you need information on English grammar? I have a few books on the topic if you would like to borrow them.
6. He has little education. He can’t read or write, and he can hardly count.
7. We’ve got a little time at the weekend. Would you like to meet?
8. She has little self-confidence. She has a lot of trouble talking to new people.
9. There’s a littlespaghetti left in the cupboard. Shall we eat it tonight?
10. We have only little time to finish all of the reports by tomorrow.