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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
24/06/2020 12:57:53

Write abouy your ideas about should student in secondary school use smart phone at school

4 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
24/06/2020 13:04:40
+5đ tặng
The society is growing, the economy is going up, the need for mobile communication is becoming more and more necessary and popular, because of their convenience and usefulness. Parents, partly because they want to contact their children conveniently, partly because they want to manage their children, they also bravely invest in their children a beautiful small phone. However, the fact that the students are too young, not enough awareness of the proper use of the phone, leads to the abuse of mobile phones, making them harmful to psychological development. and their physicality.

The phone is a great invention of mankind, erasing the distance of communication, today, the phone is also integrated with many smart functions, very good support for life, serving business purposes, study, entertainment. However, everything has its advantages and disadvantages, bringing many good benefits, but gradually, mobile phones also cause negative impacts on students, especially in the digital technology era. Information spread in a dizzy way. Students are the age group is limited in both awareness and awareness, mobile phones for them have an attraction that is hard to deny, different from the piles of knowledge at school. Therefore, to satisfy curiosity and excitement, students often put learning aside and focus on exploiting and playing with phones during class time.

They like to surf the web because it's a colorful world, preferring to chat with friends rather than reading, listening to lectures, simply because it's more fun than the dry classes. In particular, the phone has also become a powerful support tool for children to freely copy and copy documents available online without refusing to explore creative thinking. Cell phones are also the source of unhealthy thoughts, especially from social media, informal information, black websites, depraved cultural products. easy access to school environment. But at the age of students, psychology has unusual changes, provokes curiosity, leads to misleading and wrong perceptions, which significantly affects the normal development of psychology of age. juvenile.

The main reason is due to social development, increasing communication demand, parents busy with work hard to follow their children, so the phone shopping for children is to manage and communicate smoothly. convenient. Some parents simply buy a phone for their children because they spoil their children excessively. If you ask, your parents will be able to buy it right away, and that must be a genuine product. Having a mobile phone and a playful lazy mentality, causing children to use mobile phones incorrectly, considering phones to be the truth, is a pleasure to avoid learning. In addition, the fact that parents let their children use phones has too many unnecessary functions, while the parents want and the children need to simply communicate with each other. An abundance like that parents can not follow the management, and the children are not aware enough to recognize the benefits and harms of the abuse of mobile phones has led to unpredictable consequences.

The first consequence is that the situation of students because they are too passionate about the phone but forget about studying, neglect in learning, cause disorder in the classroom, and gap in knowledge because they do not focus attention. listening to lectures, ... Since then, leading to poor academic results, parents do not find out the cause, causing pressure to scold them more, which makes them increasingly immersed in the phones, considering it a part of life, going on and on like that is hard to solve the problem. Excessive use of mobile phones also leads to negative health problems, such as eye problems, astigmatism, nearsightedness, and even blindness. Too focused on the phone but away from reality, away from society is also one of the causes of depression, distraction, reduced ability to think creatively, people become weak, sensitive to those external impact. In addition, the mobile phone is a great source of information, but it is a source of non-selective information, including bad information such as violence, social evils, kind of depraved cultural products, ... With their hyperactive, curious minds, such dirty sources of information easily inject into immature minds, causing them to have unhealthy thoughts, Especially the psychology of imitating the bad ones. That increases crime at school age, school violence, actions that go beyond ethical standards, disobeying parents, self-righteous teachers, etc. online recourse, early love, unsafe sex, leaving irreparable consequences, leaving serious psychological shadows.

We cannot prohibit our children from using phones, because no matter what the circumstances, there are many6

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toán IQ
24/06/2020 13:04:48
+4đ tặng
Currently, in the long run, time, time, time and time? Most, live software and software? What does it mean when you can do? In my opinion, love is your life and your life. One of the different things Time, love, whole, time, affection, affection, career Simultaneously, drown in his love and difference and his difference and his Manh difference is one of different things, one of different things. Love, love, love, calm, affection, calm Masculinity is a part of them. Strong, all of us, one of the sentimental relationships with Congress is a two-pronged knife. Our software and the rest of it.
Văn Dũng
24/06/2020 13:20:01
+3đ tặng

Should students be allowed to use cell phones in school? Well in my opinion kids should be allowed to have cellular devices in school. Many parents want to be informed if their kids will be coming home and that way with a cell phone you can and warn your mom that you will not be coming home because maybe you are going to a friends house or you have a game after school. I think that they can have a phone but they can’t use it in class. In my opinion if students will use it for something good then they should be able to use cell phones in school!

A phone can be used for many educational things like research, projects, calculators, and even putting in important dates when a homework assignment or a project is due. You can also use a phone to call or text your parents if maybe you forgot your lunch at home, need lunch money so you can eat at school, or let them know that you have tutorials after school that day. There are many things that phones are useful for! Cell phones can keep you safe. Believe it or not cell phones can save your life. People think it is okay to take photos in class and post them when actually just hurting themselves. Students should take control of themselves before doing something stupid.


Kids should but shouldn’t be allowed to use their phones in school. One of the reasons kids shouldn’t be allowed to use their phones in school is because they can simply cheat during a test or get distracted by text messages or any social network. But a good reason that kids should be allowed to have cellular devices is that they can act in case of an emergency. Many kids don’t see the consequences, and until they get the consequences, and they realize they were wrong. Another reason why cell phones are bad in school is that kids can post a picture and cause their teacher to get fired from work.

Đoàn Đại Dương
24/06/2020 13:25:59
+2đ tặng
In my point of view, I think pupils should be allowed to have cell phones in secondary and high schools. Nevertheless, I don't want pupils should be allowed to use them during school hours. It is very useful for pupils to have cell phone after school when walking home just in case of an emergency. There are plenty of kids I know that get scared to walk home but have no choice. There are also a few kids I know that go to a friend’s house without asking. When the pupil walk to home alone, maybe there are sudden situations or risks. For instance, they can meet the bully or encounter accident. If they had a cell phone, they could get through their parrents or friend to notice them and get their helps. It is also very nice to have a phone on you when you getting a ride with a friend. This is because you can call your parent and let them know to save their gas. If the cell phone were allowed for secondary and high school, I believe that many kidnapping will be reduced. The reason I think this is because most mobile phone are equipped the new GPS apps on its, parents can track or kepp an eyes their children as long as the child has their phone on them. I can understand why the rule ban using cell phone in secondary and highschool, because when the teacher are teaching in the classroom, suddenly the phone rang. This noise make distracted and affect to teacher and pupils. I think in this situation, teachers could teach being interrupted by phones. And the pupils should power off their phones until the end of the day. To sum up, I think the cell phone should be allowed in secondary and high school and it should be turn off during shool hours, because this help pupils avoid many risks.

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