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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
09/07/2020 07:26:11

Chuyển sang câu chủ động: That movie never been seen by my father

Chuyển sang câu chủ động :
1.That movie never been seen by my father
2.The book has not been finished
3.Has snake meat been eaten by Nina ?
4.The department was being cleaned by Sam when you called
5.While the report was being written by Nina,Tôm was looking for the key
6.A present was sent to her
7.This car wash bought by my father
8.The letter is typed by my sister every day
9.Is the key found by your mother?
10.Where is the key found by your mother?

10 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
09/07/2020 07:54:21
+5đ tặng
1. That movie has never seen by my father.
->My father has never seen that movie.
2. The book has not been finished.
-->He has not finished the book yet.
3. Has snake meat been eaten by Nina?
--> Has Nina eaten snake meat ?
4. The department was being cleaned by Sam when you called.
-->Sam was cleaning the department when you called
5. While the report was being written by Nina, Tom was looking for the key.
--> while Nina was writting the report, Tom was looking for the key
6. A present was sent to her.
--> They sent a present to her.
7. This car was bought by my father.
--> My father bought this car
8. The letter is typed by my sister everyday.
--> My sister type the letter everyday.
9. Is the key found by your mother?
--> do your mother find the key?
10. Where is the key found by your mother?
--> Where do your mother find the key?

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
09/07/2020 07:54:48
+4đ tặng
1.My father had never seen that movie.
2.I have not finished that book.
3.Does Nina eat snake meat?
4.Sam cleans the section you called.
5.Tom is looking for the key while Nina is writing the report.
May mắn ???
09/07/2020 07:55:27
+3đ tặng
1. That movie has never seen by my father.
->My father has never seen that movie.
2. The book has not been finished.
-->He has not finished the book yet.
3. Has snake meat been eaten by Nina?
--> Has Nina eaten snake meat ?
4. The department was being cleaned by Sam when you called.
-->Sam was cleaning the department when you called
5. While the report was being written by Nina, Tom was looking for the key.
--> while Nina was writting the report, Tom was looking for the key
May mắn ???
09/07/2020 07:55:45
+2đ tặng

6. A present was sent to her.
--> They sent a present to her.
7. This car was bought by my father.
--> My father bought this car
8. The letter is typed by my sister everyday.
--> My sister type the letter everyday.
9. Is the key found by your mother?
--> do your mother find the key?
10. Where is the key found by your mother?
--> Where do your mother find the key?
09/07/2020 07:56:30
+1đ tặng
6. .They sent a present to her.
7. My father bought this car
8.  My sister type the letter everyday.
9.  Do your mother find the key?
10.Where do your mother find the key?
09/07/2020 07:59:24
1.That movie never been seen by my father
-> My father never saw that movie.
2.The book has not been finished
->Unfinished the book .
3.Has snake meat been eaten by Nina ?
Have Nina eaten a snake meat?
4.The department was being cleaned by Sam when you called.
-> Sam cleans the department when you call.
5.While the report was being written by Nina,Tôm was looking for the key

Trong khi báo cáo được viết bởi Nina Tôm đang tìm kiếm chìa khóa .

Câu này thì chuyển kiểu j ?
đinh tài
09/07/2020 09:46:44
1. That movie has never seen by my father.
->My father has never seen that movie.
2. The book has not been finished.
-->He has not finished the book yet.
đinh tài
09/07/2020 09:47:43
3. Has snake meat been eaten by Nina?
--> Has Nina eaten snake meat ?
4. The department was being cleaned by Sam when you called.
-->Sam was cleaning the department when you called
5. While the report was being written by Nina, Tom was looking for the key.
--> while Nina was writting the report, Tom was looking for the key
đinh tài
09/07/2020 09:48:09
6. A present was sent to her.
--> They sent a present to her.
7. This car was bought by my father.
--> My father bought this car
8. The letter is typed by my sister everyday.
--> My sister type the letter everyday.
đinh tài
09/07/2020 09:48:43
9. Is the key found by your mother?
--> do your mother find the key?
10. Where is the key found by your mother?
--> Where do your mother find the key?

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