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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
24/08/2020 14:13:12

Viết đoạn văn ngắn bằng tiếng Anh về tác hại của mạng xã hội facebook

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Hỏi chi tiết
24/08/2020 14:17:11
+5đ tặng
Modern society is constantly developing, and the appearance of the Internet has opened up a whole new era of access and sharing of information. This brings a tremendous reform and benefits to all humanity. In our lives there are innumerable questions that need to be answered, and the Internet was born as a useful tool to help us solve those questions. Searching for information in the past has cost humanity a lot of time and effort, and not everyone had patience to turn the pages one by one to find the information they needed. However, our lives have changed tremendously since the arrival of the Internet, and the search of general information on the Internet has not consumed us much more than mouse clicks and keyboard typing. This is where most basic and specialist information is gathered from the majority of occupations and fields in our life. There are countless websites that contain useful information for research and study, and Wikipedia is now considered to be the most complete and accurate encyclopedia. Searching the Internet is simple, but we should also be careful in getting that information. Not all knowledge on the Internet is accurate and complete, so we need to compare information from many different sources before actually using any of them for our purposes. The Internet is an infinite ocean of knowledge, and we can learn countless things if we know how to use it properly.

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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24/08/2020 14:17:41
+4đ tặng

Internet – one of the greatest innovations of our times – has become a familiar term in our daily life. Besides its undeniable positive influences, it is necessary to acknowledge the disadvantages it brings.

  The most predominant drawback that people need to consider is security issues. As the Internet is widely used in different aspects of life such as business or education, users’ privacy can run a risk of invasion by hackers, causing their personal information to be leaked. Furthermore, in the virtual world where people are connected with each other and access is unlimited, it is a good opportunity for scammers and cyber criminals to approach their “preys”. Another bad side of this tool is the spread of false or inappropriate information. Every day or even every hour, a number of information is freely uploaded and shared without any restrictions.As a result, many people exploit this to distribute fake news for their own advantage, which can have a negative impact on a large scale. Moreover, the availability of entertainment on the Internet also makes unhealthy materials more accessible than ever, leading to a rise in behavioral problems, especially juvenile delinquency. Last but not least, Internet can be seen as additive. Nowadays, people are likely to spend hours surfing the web, it can be at class, it can be at work or at lunch, anywhere and at any time. Sometimes it may become a distraction, causing them to work ineffectively. Watching your favorite film or finishing work – that’s definitely a hard question. Besides, some people are so addicted that they live in the virtual world more than in the real world. They tend to express their feelings and opinions freely on social network while being rather reserved in the outside world and lacking interaction with others around.

 To put it briefly, much as the Internet offers a wide range of benefits in different fields, it has the cost that needs careful consideration.

24/08/2020 14:17:56
+3đ tặng

Nowadays, the Internet has become a bridge that connects people all over the world. Besides its paramount importance, it also poses hidden risks to users. In the first place, it can put severe strains on our family and social relationships. If users are addicted to the Internet, they have a tendency to separate from our real world and immerse themselves into a virtual world. As a result, nothing is of no interest to them at all. Secondly, the Internet also exerts a strong influence on the efficiency of work. Take students as an example, at class, they prefer to think about online video games, films,... rather than listening to what their teachers are saying. This will seriously result in their studying quality. Moreover, the dependence on the Internet can be a major obstacle to developing people’s creativity. Instead of thinking independently, people often take advantage of diverse sources of information on the Internet to finish their tasks as soon as possible. Last but not least, our personal information can be leaked due to hackers or loose control of data security organizations. This can put us in danger and indirectly affect our life. To put it briefly, the innovation of the Internet has contributed to improve every aspect of our life but we also should take its pros and cons into consideration whenever using it.


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