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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
26/08/2020 11:30:26

Read the following passage, then choose the best answer A, B, C or D to fill in each blank

III. Reading 

A. Read the following passage, then choose the best answer A, B, C or D to fill in each blank: 

In developing nations, the (1) _____ of food is the primary cause of malnutrition. Famine, drought, war, and (2) ____________ systems  of food distribution contribute  to the (3) ________ problem of world hun­ger. Many countries have little or no reserves of (4) _______ land or water: in addition, some, such as Bangladesh and other Southeast Asian nations, cannot afford to buy food from other countries. Some countries have enough resources to grow food  but govern­mental (5) ________ of agriculture and poor policy decisions have resulted in (6) _______ diets.

In addition to (7) _______ disorders, there are certain diseases that contribute to malnutrition by (8) _______ with the body's (9) ________  or utilization of (10) ______ . 

1. A. availability        B. available                 C. inavailability          D. unavailability

2. A. reliable              B. unreliable               C. reliant                     D. reliance 

3. A. ongoing             B. going                      C. outgoing                 D. gone 

4. A. fertility              B. fertilize                   C. fertile                      D. fertilized 

5. A. neglectful          B. neglect                    C. neglectfulness        D. neglecting 

6. A. adequate            B. inadequate             C. unadequate             D. inadequate

7. A. dietetic               B. dietary                    C. dietarian                 D. dietetics 

8. A. interfering         B. interfere                  C. interfered                D. being interfered 

9. A. absorptive          B. absorbed                 C. absorp­tion              D. absorbent 

10. A. nutrients           B. nutrition                  C. nutritious                D. nutritionist 

B. Read the passage then choose the best answers 

   Money is something we all take for granted in our lives. Some of us may wish we had more of it but we all recognize it when we see it, whether in the form of coins, notes or cheques. It is difficult to imagine how people managed without money. In the earliest periods of human history, people used to exchange goods directly. They would exchange things they had plenty of for things that they were in need of. For example, they might offer food for tools. This method of exchange, which is known as “barter”, has many disadvantages. Certain goods may be difficult to carry, they may not last long, or may be impossible to divide into smaller units. It can also be difficult to know the worth of something compared with other goods.

        According to historians, the first money, in the sense we understand it today, consisted of gold coins produced about 2,500 years ago. Gold, being a very precious metal, was a suitable material. The introduction of gold coins was acceptable to everyone and they were still being used at the beginning of this century, although they have now been replaced by paper money and coins made of ordinary metals.

1. In the old days, people exchanged………..

A. what they needed for what they had                      B. food for tools

C. what they had for what they needed                      D. goods for money

2. “barter” is a system of exchange in which ………

A. food is exchanged for tools                                    B. no money is used

C. money is used to buy things                                   D. goods are difficult to carry

3. Direct exchange of goods is ……. because some gods may be too big to carry.

A. advantageous                     B. precious                  C. impossible              D. disadvantages

4. According to historians, the first money was ………

A. made of paper                    B. made of gold          C. made of coins         D. made of 2000 years ago

5. Modern money is made of ……….

A. gold                                                                        B. paper or gold

C. ordinary metals                                                      D. paper or ordinary metals

C. Read the passage and fill one suitable word in each blank. 

Everyone is becoming aware that the environment is a (0) .... serious.... issue. However, we have not done (1) .......... to deal with this problem because we seem to wait for governments to (2) ........... actions. In my opinion, individuals can do many things to help (3) .......... the problem. To begin (4) .........., we can be more responsible in the (5) .......... we dispose of waste. We should not throw rubbish into lakes and (6) ........... . Moreover, we also need to (7) .......... the water we use. Fresh water (8) ..........drinking is running out in many (9) .......... of the world. Finally, I think that if we use (10) ........... transport more we can reduce air pollution in cities.


IV. Writing: 

A. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentence with the given words:
1. I should like someone to take me out to dinner.                                                     

      What ...

2. The manager was very astounded when they told him about the robbery.

      On ...

3. It is such a marvelous opportunity that we mustn’t miss it.                                   

      It is too

4. My brother works better when he’s pressed for time.                                            

       The less time ...

5. He’ll set down. Then his performance will improve.                                             

      Once ...

6. Mrs. Scott is proud of her cooking.                                                                        

       Mrs. Scott prides ...

7. Are they likely to pass Proficiency?                                                                       

      Is there ...

8. He made a lot of mistakes because he didn’t study carefully.                               

      Had ...

9. Though I am poor, I’ll not serve a villain.                                                 

      Poor ...

10. She didn't recover her confidence until that morning.

9 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Ngố Liên
26/08/2020 11:31:31
+5đ tặng


In developing nations, the (1) _____ of food is the primary cause of malnutrition. Famine, drought, war, and (2) ____________ systems of food distribution contribute to the (3) ________ problem of world hun­ger. Many countries have little or no reserves of (4) _______ land or water: in addition, some, such as Bangladesh and other Southeast Asian nations, cannot afford to buy food from other countries. Some countries have enough resources to grow food but govern­mental (5) ________ of agriculture and poor policy decisions have resulted in (6) _______ diets.

In addition to (7) _______ disorders, there are certain diseases that contribute to malnutrition by (8) _______ with the body's (9) ________ or utilization of (10) ______ .

1. A. availability B. available C. inavailability D. unavailability

2. A. reliable B. unreliable C. reliant D. reliance

3. A. ongoing B. going C. outgoing D. gone

4. A. fertility B. fertilize C. fertile D. fertilized

5. A. neglectful B. neglect C. neglectfulness D. neglecting

6. A. adequate B. inadequate C. unadequate D. inadequate

7. A. dietetic B. dietary C. dietarian D. dietetics

8. A. interfering B. interfere C. interfered D. being interfered

9. A. absorptive B. absorbed C. absorp­tion D. absorbent


10. A. nutrients B. nutrition C. nutritious D. nutritionist



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Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Ngố Liên
26/08/2020 11:32:01
+4đ tặng
1. I should like someone to take me out to dinner.
-> What i should ......... like is to be taken out to dinner...........
Ngố Liên
26/08/2020 11:32:38
+3đ tặng
It such a marvellous opporfunity that we mustn't miss it
=> It is too marvellous for us to miss an opportunity
Ngố Liên
26/08/2020 11:33:16
+2đ tặng

My boss works better when he's pressed for time 

-> the less time my boss has, the better he works

Ngố Liên
26/08/2020 11:34:53
+1đ tặng

 Money is something we all take for granted in our lives. Some of us may wish we had more of it but we all recognize it when we see it, whether in the form of coins, notes or cheques. It is difficult to imagine how people managed without money. In the earliest periods of human history, people used to exchange goods directly. They would exchange things they had plenty of for things that they were in need of. For example, they might offer food for tools. This method of exchange, which is known as “barter”, has many disadvantages. Certain goods may be difficult to carry, they may not last long, or may be impossible to divide into smaller units. It can also be difficult to know the worth of something compared with other goods.

        According to historians, the first money, in the sense we understand it today, consisted of gold coins produced about 2,500 years ago. Gold, being a very precious metal, was a suitable material. The introduction of gold coins was acceptable to everyone and they were still being used at the beginning of this century, although they have now been replaced by paper money and coins made of ordinary metals.

1. In the old days, people exchanged………..

A. what they needed for what they had                      B. food for tools

C. what they had for what they needed                      D. goods for money

2. “barter” is a system of exchange in which ………

A. food is exchanged for tools                                    B. no money is used

C. money is used to buy things                                   D. goods are difficult to carry

3. Direct exchange of goods is ……. because some gods may be too big to carry.

A. advantageous                     B. precious                  C. impossible              D. disadvantages

4. According to historians, the first money was ………

A. made of paper                    B. made of gold          C. made of coins         D. made of 2000 years ago

5. Modern money is made of ……….

A. gold                                                                        B. paper or gold

C. ordinary metals                                                      D. paper or ordinary metals

Ngố Liên
26/08/2020 11:36:09
He’ll  settle down. Then his performance will improve.        
Once he.......  has settled down, his performance will ...improve..
Ngố Liên
26/08/2020 11:36:59


1. He made a lot of mistakes because he didn't study carefully

--> Had he studied carefully, he wouldn't have made a lot of mistakes.



Ngố Liên
26/08/2020 11:37:05

2. She didn't recover her confidence until that morning

--> It was not until that morning did she recover her confidence.

Ngố Liên
26/08/2020 11:39:44
Mrs.Scott is proud of her cooking
   Mrs. scott Prides.... herself in cooking......

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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Học tập không giới hạn cùng bạn bè học sinh cả nước, đến LAZI, sôi động, tích cực, trải nghiệm

Hôm nay bạn thế nào? Hãy nhấp vào một lựa chọn, nếu may mắn bạn sẽ được tặng 50.000 xu từ Lazi

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