In the late 2019, the world has been facing a catastrophe named - acute coronary pneumonia. Vietnam is also affected by this disease and we have been working with the world to find ways to cope with this dangerous disease. Currently it is not clear how corona virus spreads. According to expert William Keevil, the incubation period of the new strain corona virus is up to 2 weeks. The new corona virus is thought to spread through the respiratory tract, at close contact. Within 2m, if people around inhale saliva or sneeze of sick people, there is a risk of disease. Currently, there is no specific treatment for corona virus, so the treatment is still based on disease prevention and detection and treatment of symptoms and complications. However, health officials and scientists both believe that the risk of infection can be reduced and preventive measures against corona virus pneumonia should be taken, such as: regularly wash hands with soap and water. For at least 20 seconds, cover your mouth when you cough, try to avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands. In addition, anyone infected with the virus should isolate and disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched by the sick person to avoid infecting others. This is also how my family and the community are doing to protect their health. Facing the dangerous developments of this epidemic, many people were confused and afraid. But let's try to control our emotions, our moods. Each person should regularly monitor the news and take preventive measures as recommended by the health department.