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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
05/10/2020 16:19:44

Children today are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be better for them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional past times than spending all day indoors. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Children today are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be better for them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional past times than spending all day indoors.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You should write at least 100 words.

3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Đặng Thu Trang
05/10/2020 16:21:57
+5đ tặng

These days, children spend most of their time watching television or playing games on mobiles and computers. However, it is recommended that they should participate in outdoor activities and go out to play different sports. I completely agree with this view and in this essay I will support my stand with valid examples and arguments.

Physical activities are quite essential for the mental and physical development of a child. Multiple medical studies have also proven that mobile games are making children lazy and affecting their overall development. Therefore, parents should encourage their children to play outdoor games like cricket, football, tennis, etc. For instance, according to a study conducted by a child welfare organization 60-70% of childhood health issues like back pain and obesity are caused by sitting in one place for a longer period of time while playing games on mobile and computers. By contrast, when children engage in outdoor activities, their physical strength and stamina increase. Games like hockey, cricket and football are team games and teach children team management skills and strategies for thinking.

Thus, it is evident that sports and other physical activities play a significant role in life. For example, a child participating in a game of football will learn to work under pressure and will improve his team skills.

In conclusion, with the advancement of technology, children get easy access to mobiles and computers and get addicted to them. However, for their overall development they should get involved in outdoor sports as it will help them to live a healthy life forever.

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Elon Musk
05/10/2020 16:54:57
+4đ tặng
Computers have revolutionised the way we learn, travel, work and socialise. Advancement of technology in this domain has given birth to smartphones, tablets, mp3 players and other gadgets that are not only a great source of entertainment but are instrumental in fetching valuable information. One cannot imagine living without them in this modern era. People believe that children are getting more dependent on these electronic devices which are alarming and we should persuade them to participate in other outdoor physical activities. Though this move is laudable but I don't agree fully. This essay will analyse the merits of both views before presenting an opinion.

People believe that young one of the society should take part in physical sports. Proponents of this view point say that physical activities make them mentally strong and physically fit. Playing sports and different games is instrumental in learning the art of teamwork, develops skills vital for competitions and nourish their leadership qualities. Moreover, it develops their stamina, improves metabolism, sharpens their reflexes and brace them to face everyday life challenges. It has been medically proven that the rays emitting from these electronic devices are not good for human vision. Furthermore, one can truly enjoy the game by playing it physically. For instance, football, the game is different on the field where it requires stamina and passion compared to few mouse clicks over the computer. Apart from that, it helps people to socialise, a trend missing in our present generation.

On the contrary, electronic gadgets like computers, notebooks, smartphones etc play an important role to improve the mental abilities and intellectuality of a child if used wisely. Children can play different mind games that improve their thinking power, decision-making skills and harness creativity and innovation. Moreover, physical games and entertainment can lead to harmful injuries which can be fatal. For instance, parents in Karachi usually prefer their children to spend time at home due to fear of terrorism and abduction for ransom.

To recapitulate, the aforementioned provides plausible arguments for both views. However, I personally believe that both computers and physical activities are of equal importance and one should focus on maintaining the right balance and getting positive outcomes.
Đức Nguyễn
10/03/2023 22:00:08
Computers have revolutionised the way we learn, travel, work and socialise. The advancement of technology in this domain has given birth to smartphones, tablets, mp3 players and other gadgets that are not only a great source of entertainment but are instrumental in fetching valuable information. One cannot imagine living without them in this modern era. People believe that children are getting more dependent on these electronic devices which are alarming and we should persuade them to participate in other outdoor physical activities. Though this move is laudable, I don't agree fully. This essay will analyse the merits of both views before presenting an opinion.

People believe that young one of society should take part in physical sports. Proponents of this viewpoint say that physical activities make them mentally strong and physically fit. Playing sports and different games is instrumental in learning the art of teamwork, develops skills vital for competitions and nourish their leadership qualities. Moreover, it develops their stamina, improves metabolism, sharpens their reflexes and braces them to face everyday life challenges. It has been medically proven that the rays emitting from these electronic devices are not good for human vision. Furthermore, one can truly enjoy the game by playing it physically. For instance, football, a game that is different on the field, where it requires stamina and passion compared to a few clicks over the computer. Apart from that, it helps people to socialise, a trend missing in our present generation.

On the contrary, electronic gadgets like computers, notebooks, smartphones etc play an important role to improve the mental abilities and intellectuality of a child if used wisely. Children can play different mind games that improve their thinking power, decision-making skills and harness creativity and innovation. Moreover, physical games and entertainment can lead to harmful injuries which can be fatal. For instance, parents in Karachi usually prefer their children to spend time at home due to fear of terrorism and abduction for ransom.

To recapitulate, the aforementioned provides plausible arguments for both views. However, I personally believe that both computers and physical activities are of equal importance and one should focus on maintaining the right balance and getting positive outcomes.

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