Living in the countryside has a lot of advantages, but also many disadvantages. As theadvantage we can consider the fact that the country is less polluted and the traffic isn't soheavy. You are fit and you don't need to worry about your health condition, because in thecountryside the air and water are so clean. In the country there are many plant species.There aren't any huge blocks of flats, modern skyscrapers or bothersome traffic jams. Inthe country you are free to admire the breathtaking landscapes such as huge meadows,peaceful hills or forests. You can enjoy walking in the forest and picking mushrooms orhunting. Another advantage is that you may easily build a big house and the garden,because charges for ground are much lower than in the suburbs. Moreover, living in thecountryside is cheaper than it is in the city, so you probably may afford many other things,because the prices are lower. What is more, you can invite your friends to the barbecueorganized in your garden. It would be great! The other positive side is the safety. In therural area the crime rate is much lower. There aren't a lot of housebreaks and thepossibility of burglary is also lower. In the countryside people usually and keep eyes onneighbour's estates. They always react when something strange is happening. Country lifeis very peaceful and silent. You will enjoy the feeling of peace.However, there are a lot of positive aspects of living in the country side, there are alsosome disadvantages. Living in the country is slower. People don't need to hurry and havea lot of time. People in the country don't have to work so many hours as they do in the city.On the other hand, they don't earn so much money. Moreover, there aren't suchinteresting things to do during free time. The unemployment rate is also much higher thanin the city. The problem may be also the communication. If you don't have your own car....