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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
20/12/2020 09:22:07

Talk about an invention you like most

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
20/12/2020 09:40:42
+5đ tặng

I would like to talk about the telephone which, in my opinion, is one of the most revolutionary creations that has changed our lives.

As far as I know, Alexander Graham Bell was the father of this terrific device and he invented it in the last century through a lot of trial and error.

It is no exaggeration to say that human life has completely changed since the first telephone was devised. A few centuries ago people could only communicate long distances through writing letters, which could take ages to be delivered. And in the case of emergencies or confidential information, writing letters really wasn’t an effective way of communicating.

So, one of the main reasons that I believe that the telephone has changed people’s lives is simply by making communication between people so much faster, easier and more convenient than ever before. These days when you need to get in contact with somebody, all you need to do is pick up your phone, dial a few numbers and wait for them to answer. And if they don’t answer, then you can usually just leave a voice message for them to let them know what it is you wanted to tell them.

Furthermore, I believe that communication is at the core of social development, and I think that the advent of the telephone has made a great contribution to this area of life.

So, whether the information is urgent, confidential, or even down right unnecessary, I think that the telephone has made a massive difference to people’s lives and our societies as well.
Từ vựng nha bạn

– revolutionary creation – something that made a big difference in people’s lives

– the father of – the inventor or creator of something

– trial and error – trying a number of different methods and learning from the mistakes

– exaggeration – to over-state something, to say it is better or worse than it really is

– devised – planned or invented

– take ages – take a long time

– confidential – secret

– to get in contact with somebody – to contact someone by mail, email, message or phone

– at the core of – at the centre of

– advent – the arrival or beginning of something

– a great contribution – a big help

– down right – absolutely or completely
tich mìn 5* nhen!!!

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