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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
14/03/2021 08:17:05

Topic: Children to day are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be better for them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional pastime than spending all day indoors. Do you agree or disagree with this statement

Topic: Children to day are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be better for them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional pastime than spending all day indoors. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write a passage to present your opinion. You should write about 200-250 words.
Mn giúp em với ạ ngày mai em nộp bài rồi ạ. Em cảm ơn mn nhiều ạ!!

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
14/03/2021 08:21:52
+5đ tặng

Together with the computerization of our society, there is a rising of public awareness about kids, who spend too much time in front of the personal computer or playing video games. What is best for children to devote their free time to outdoor activities and conventional games or to be at home and entertain themselves with the computer?

Some types of PC games can be very intelligent and may contain huge educational potential. They can encourage youngsters to develop researching skills and inspire them to learn new things. However, a significant amount of video games is dumb-type, which develops nothing but button-pushing skill. Unfortunately, these games are usually highly addictive. Thus, they can cause a lack of physical activity and even serious mental diseases.

Outdoor games are often more beneficial for kids’ health. They not only train them in terms of agility and endurance but teach children to socialise and make friends. Moreover, they make them stronger because of fresh air, physical activity and exposure to the sunlight. Therefore, being on the street not always safe. An unattended child can receive trauma or become a subject of crime.

I was not a very outgoing and physically active kid and preferred to rather read than play with others. Getting a computer brought more diversity for my leisure and study. It helped me to experience new emotions, learn new things, study English and meet interesting people online. My aptitude in Information technologies has helped me to get a good job and then grow up in my job. Therefore I think parents should look at their child’s personality in order to decide what is more appropriate. Finding a balance between electronic entertainment and outdoor games depends on parents’ ability to identify what best benefits their child.


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14/03/2021 08:28:31
+4đ tặng
Together with the computerization of our society, there is a rising of public awareness about kids, who spend too much time in front of the personal computer or playing video games. What is best for children to devote their free time to outdoor activities and conventional games or to be at home and entertain themselves with the computer?

Some types of PC games can be very intelligent and may contain huge educational potential. They can encourage youngsters to develop researching skills and inspire them to learn new things. However, a significant amount of video games is dumb-type, which develops nothing but button-pushing skill. Unfortunately, these games are usually highly addictive. Thus, they can cause a lack of physical activity and even serious mental diseases.


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