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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
30/03/2021 21:14:50

Talk about traffic problems in Hanoi

1. Talk about traffic problems in Hanoi
2. Talk about some traffic rules
3. Talk about your favourite film
4. Talk about the festival you know

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Nguyễn Nguyễn
30/03/2021 21:17:23
+5đ tặng

The some rules for pedestrians: always look carefully where you go, walk across the street at the zebra crossing, wear white or light-coloured clothes in the dark, use the pavement or footpath, wait for the trafic light to turn green before you cross the street.

The some rules for drivers: always fasten your seatbelt when you drive, don't drive if you feel tired or after you drink alcohol, don't park in front of a zebra crossing, strictly obey traffic signals.

The some rules for cyclists and motorist: always keep both hands on the handle bars, always wear a helmet when you ride a motorbike, give a signal before you turn left or right, use front and back lights at night, don't carry a passenger in front of you.

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
30/03/2021 21:21:22
+4đ tặng

In Ha Noi, the number of death by traffic accident is considered as large as the number of death by plague. There's about more than 30 people die everyday.

With the traffic conditions in Ha Noi, accident is object to happen. The roads are too narrow to travel easily. Moreover, many pot-holes can appear everywhere to threaten the goers. On the roads, there're sometimes the illogical roundabouts. They are not only useless, but also make the traffic more chaotic. To solve this problem, we only have one way, it's improving the road. However, it is impossible for the government to widen the roads because of limited land. Whenever theroads are repaired, the traffic is more dangerous with the unfinished structures. People still travel on the repairing roads, and the roads are more and more narrow. We also can build the tunnels but it is very costly. Viet Nam has to borrow money from other countries and no one knows when the government can pay it back. As you know, Ha Noi is a monsoonal tropical country, it has a lot of rain every year. During the rainy season, the roads are flooded because all the waste pipes are stuck by rubbish and become very dirty.

In addition, the tense of Ha Noi people is poor. The roads in the cities are choked with so many vehicles such as motorbikes, bicycles, taxies, buses, cyclos and pedestrians because people do not follow the laws well. They even don't obey the traffic lights or signs. Children are taught about traffic laws while adults are breaking it. Now, the government gives many new strict laws to improve the present posture. Polices are more active than they used to. Everyone travel on

motorbike wears helmet naturally without any enforcement. The traffic is better and better day by day.

In conclusion, with many measures now, the traffic in Ha Noi will be good one day. The poor conditions Ha Noi can solve this problem by the development of economic.

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

Bạn muốn biết điều gì?

Học tập không giới hạn cùng bạn bè học sinh cả nước, đến LAZI, sôi động, tích cực, trải nghiệm

Hôm nay bạn thế nào? Hãy nhấp vào một lựa chọn, nếu may mắn bạn sẽ được tặng 50.000 xu từ Lazi

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