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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
31/03/2021 20:42:58

Write a paragraph to talk about the topic " parents are our first teachers in life"

Write a paragraph to talk about the topic " parents are our first teachers in life"

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
31/03/2021 21:13:52
+5đ tặng

In this article I am describing about parents. Parents are the first teacher in our life and they love us with all the love they have. They provide us with best of everything and parents are visible gods and angels on the earth. They teach us what life is all about and help us in solving our problems. Parents generally sign up for something called unconditional in the form of their children. They are generally the first teachers in our life. We pick up a lot of similarities and features from our parents in the form of genes. When it comes to teaching, both the parents teach a lot of things. They are those people who taught us walking catching our little figures and always assured to give us the best of everything. They love us with the all the love they have and allow support us in whatever we do. They encourage us in everything we do and teach us what life is. There are those people who stood up for us even when the whole world is against us. Parents teach a lot of things and there are our first inspirations of our life. Generally a first hero a child knows is his dad cause the child is protected by his dad. Parents have sleepless night taking care of us and this teaches us that what care is? They put our happiness beyond their and this teaches us what true love is? There undergo a lot of scarifies for the sake of our happiness. They would be ready to do anything and everything that makes us happy.

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