Look at the situations below. Decide if they are impossible/hypothetical or possible and form a conditional sentence for each one. Where possible, try to use other modal verbs instead of will or would, for example can, could, might, may, should, must. Examples: If it rainS thiS weekend, I may not go out.
If I had a holiday next week, I might go to Portugal.
a) It will rain this weekend. if it will rain this weekend, i may buy a umbrella
b) You will have a holiday next week.
c) You speak English fluently. you speak English fluently, you should to go to a festival
d) You will win the lottery. you will win the lottery, you must to game e) Your country will win the football World Cup.
f) You will go out tonight with some friends.
g) You live in another country.
h) You can fly.
i) You will meet the president of your country.
j) You will be late for your next lesson. you will be late for your nest lesson, you should wake up more early
k) You will go to bed later than usual tonight.
A a) c) d) j) já estão prontas. Por favor alguém me ajuda