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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
11/06/2021 20:05:54

Write about pet

viết hộ mk bài ielts vs ạ

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
12/06/2021 07:13:17
+5đ tặng
Rosy is a dog which I have been keeping for the past four years. It was by sheer accident that Rosy came into my hands. Our neighbour Mr. Jones was a dog lover. He has a good kennel in his house where he reared different types of dogs. Suddenly,he decided to leave the town and he wanted to dispose some of the dogs. I told my father that I wanted a pet and my father agreed. That was how Rosy came into my possession.
Why was it named Rosy ? I cannot say. It is an Alsatian. It is of medium height, grey in color with dark spots near her belly, bushy and glistening eyes. It grew into a beautiful and magnificent dog much to the envy of others.
Rosy takes pleasure in sniffing about the comers when she has nothing particular to do. She is as docile as a deer in our presence. When we are not at home she will be at her mettle and no one can easily come near our gate or house. Though she does not bite, she will bounce on the person baring her teeth so much so that she can paralyse any intruder. She recognizes the postman as a friend and so does not do him any harm.

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