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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
31/07/2021 08:51:29

Nowadays students are allowed to use a mobile phone at many schools, however, this will also bring some disadvantages to students if they don't know how to use them sensibly

nowadays students are allowed to use a mobile phone at many schools. however, this will also bring some disadvantages to students if they don't know how to use them sensibly. write an easy about 150-180 words to give solutions to this problem. 
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Hằngg Ỉnn
31/07/2021 08:53:40
+5đ tặng

Nowaday, the life is modern. Smart phones and computers are very popular and they appear all around us. Using smart phones is a necessary part of many students' life. We can use them for relaxing, connecting and especially studying. Students can learn in the Internet, search information for their lessons,... Using smart phones can solve many problems quickly and easily. But, there is a problem.Some students mostly use smart phones to relax and spend less time studying. They concentrate on the smart phones instead of keeping their eye on learning.

If students were allowed to use smart phones, learning would be easier . Unless they were banned to use smart phones, they could be focus on learning. Anyway, I think smart phones shouldn't be banned. Although it makes students can't be focus on the lessons, It helps them a lots in relaxing at break time and studying. We've also got some suitable rules such as: not using phones while you are studying, just use them at break time,...

The rules not only help students be focus on learning, but also study effectively.

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