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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
13/08/2021 11:11:12

Circle the correct answers more than one answer may be possible

Circle the correct answers (more than one answers may be possible)


1.      Could you give me back the book .................. I lent to you two months ago?

a. who                               b. which                                  c. that                          d. x

2.      What do you think about the house .................. we stayed at last night in London?

a. where                             b. which                                  c. that                          d. x

3.      She is the kindest person .................. I have ever known

a. whom                            b. that                                      c. who                         d. x

4.      The man .................. wife died a month ago is now very sad.

a. of whom                                    b. whose                                  c. who                         d. of that

5.      This is the organization .................. specializes in consulting overseas study. You can ask for information there.

a. who                               b. which                                  c. that                          d. x

6.      They gave us very bad tires, four of .................. had burnt before we went for 15 km.

a. that                                b. who                                     c. which                       d. whom

7.      Do you know the man .................. just passed our house a couple of minutes ago?

a. that                                b. who                                     c. whom                      d. where

8.      The hotel .................. is near the beach is the most expensive one.

a. that                                b. which                                  c. where                       d. x

9.      The headmaster says that the boys .................. work is not satisfactory will have to do it again

a. who                               b. whom                                  c. whose                      d. of which

10.  I will never forget .................. you have told me.

a. which                             b. that                                      c. what                        d. who

11. Yoko told me about students ……….. have taken the entrance exam 13 times.

     a. who                                 b. whom                                  c. which                       d. that

12. The secretary ……….. I talked to didn’t know where the meeting was

     a. which                              b. whom                                  c. that                          d. x

13. You need to talk to a person ……….. you can trust. You will feel better if you do.

     a. whose                             b. which                                  c. whom                      d. x

14. People ……….. outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people

     a. whose                             b. whom                                  c. that                          d. which

15. Your career should focus on a field in ……….. you are genuinely interested

     a. which                              b. that                                      c. that                          d. x

16. Cathy is trustworthy. She’s a person upon ……….. you can always depend

     a. who                                 b. whom                                  c. that                          d. x

17. The man ……….. I introduced you last night may be the next president of the university

     a. which                              b. whom                                  c. that                          d. x

18. Bob is the kind of person to ……….. one can talk about anything

     a. who                                 b. whom                                  c. that                          d. x

19. I’m looking for an electric opener ……….. also can sharpen knives

     a. who                                 b. which                                  c. that                          d. x

20. The problems ……….. Tony has seem insurmountable

     a. what                                b. he                                        c. that                          d. x

2 trả lời
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13/08/2021 11:11:43
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