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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
10/10/2021 10:05:30

Viết về tình hình covid 19 hiện nay bằng tiếng anh

Viết về tình hình covid 19 hiện nay bằng tiếng anh
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Nguyễn Thái Anh
10/10/2021 11:04:15
+5đ tặng

While the "enemy" Covid was very stubborn and unpredictable, the 4th attack had penetrated deeply into the defense line, infiltrating the community without losing the source of the infection, although the countermeasures were very drastic, but Not strong enough to destroy. Fighting the epidemic is like fighting the enemy, when Covid has changed rapidly, dangerously and unpredictably, the anti-epidemic process also needs a new way of fighting and adapting to the new situation. We must activate the whole system, the whole people to fight the epidemic, consider this a "people's war", must stop other tasks that are not urgent to prioritize resources to focus on fighting the epidemic as quickly as possible. must rebuild the anti-epidemic process to adapt to the situation of each locality and must unite and join hands to resolutely eliminate Covid from the country.
In the current context, the Covid epidemic has reached a complicated and unpredictable stage, it is not possible to know when the epidemic will peak or go down, only complying with "5K + vaccines, drugs + technology" to "live together" in the long term. adapt to Covid. With a high number of deaths and high infections in the southern region, especially in Ho Chi Minh City, this is the result of populist views, the mistake of anti-epidemic methods and this is a painful lesson to learn. We need to change the way we do it.
That is, all F0 cases must first receive treatment and be classified according to disease severity. If severe, go to the hospital, mildly put in the isolation area with treatment according to the medical guideline. There they will quickly recover, not to spread to the community and the whole people will focus on taking care of them. It is not possible to leave them at home to self-treat with the reason that the hospital is overloaded, but classify them and then move them to different places to reduce the treatment load. Don't say a mild disease without symptoms to stay at home, when it progresses quickly, no one comes to the emergency room in time, nor do you think they are highly conscious not to spread the infection around and cure themselves, this number is very dangerous. very rare because life circumstances, lifestyle cannot determine such consciousness. If any F0 case wants to be treated at home, they will provide medicine, instructions on how to treat it and sign a commitment to take full responsibility if a violation occurs.
Second, F1 cases are isolated in concentrated isolation for free or fee, after 21 days of repeated negative tests, they will be sent home, if they become F0 cases, they will receive treatment. Case F2 is isolated at home with supervision hanging, if the F1 case turns out to be concentrated isolation, if after 21 days of testing negative, follow medical regulations.

Third, set up "red zone, orange zone, green zone" with specific instructions and set up checkpoints to control between zones. Detailed regulations on travel, activities, business, and things to do and not to do within and between regions so that people know how to do it. It is not possible to prolong the total blockade but must depend on the situation of each region to have an adaptive life. Priority will be given to those who have received the full dose of vaccine and have been cured.

For example, when going in and out of the "green zone", it is necessary to declare and confirm which area the destination is in, get the PCR test results within the specified time and give a quick medical check at the checkpoint. Mobilize the entire population to protect and develop the "green zone", narrowing the "orange and red zones".

Fourth, the management of setting up checkpoints is to prevent reminding people to strictly comply with anti-epidemic regulations, not to think about fines a lot but praise, not to be too rigid in behavior, but during the epidemic season. let's know how to love and share softly because everyone is very inhibited and difficult, so it's easy to misbehave, only when you intentionally violate or behave excessively, you need to be handled and punished to deterrence.

Fifth, the entire people strictly implement "5K + 5T", actively inject vaccines quickly, can go to buy and ask for diplomacy, but self-production is the best to take the initiative in the immediate period. In the long run, the most optimal treatment drug to live with Covid, so it is necessary to focus on investing in research and production of therapeutic drugs as soon as possible.

Sixth, the functional agencies of each locality, when issuing notices, need to flexibly adapt and be timely in accordance with the actual situation, must be based on scientific expertise and anti-epidemic regulations. It is necessary to use technology to manage and monitor infected people, recovered people, vaccinated people and change administrative procedures in anti-epidemic and in life. For example, using QR codes to identify each object is very convenient and easy. Up to now, although many technological applications have been born, there is no optimal, interconnected, effective and convenient product for people and authorities in epidemic prevention and control.

Above are some thoughts and suggestions on how to fight the epidemic so that we are determined to quickly eliminate Covid from the country but still accept a safe and conditional "living" with Covid so that life can return to normal and stable. determine and develop. This is the fight of the whole people, of the whole socio-political system, which is both an order, a responsibility, a conscience, and a reason of each person, each family determined to win the Covid pandemic.

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