In my hometown, the little friends, especially the girls, love to play volleyball. This is a very simple game. It only takes two to three people, a small bunch of sticks, usually 10, and a fruit as heavy as a grapefruit or an eggplant or a lemon to start the game. The player holding the weight in his right hand bounces up high and picks up each stick before grabbing the weight that is floating in the air. The player kept repeating the same thing until they dropped the weight on the ground. Then, player one loses their turn and has to give the right to continue playing to the second player. The pass has ten tables. Table one grabs one stick in one go, table two takes two ... and table ten has only one toss and gets ten sticks at once. When the player has passed table ten they will reach the pass table. Passing must use two hands, pass one round, two rounds, three rounds ... Usually have to pass all ten rounds. While tossing and passing, you often sing very good-sounding verses: One-on-one, one-two, son, clam ... Me, a couple ...; or crow head, hitchhiking, crossing the river, planting trees, eating fruit, releasing seeds ... Whoever plays continuously from table one to the end of the pass table is the winner in that game. And have the right to continue the next game until the turn is lost, must give the right to the next player. The winner of the whole game is the person who wins the most games.