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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
22/12/2021 13:26:18

Điền từ thích hợp vào ô vuông bên dưới. I'm hungry. Are there......crisps?

A liveworksheets.com
A. An, Seme, Any, a let ef, much, many, hew much, how many?
Dialogue 1
Mary: I'm hungry. Are there crisps?
Mom: No, there aren't but there are sandwiches in the fridge.
Mary: Great! I'll have sandwich with cheese and tomato and then I'll drink orange juice. Is there chocolate cake left?
Mom: No, there isn't cake. I'll go to the supermarket later. tomatoes are left?
Mary: There aren't tomatoes here. I can see only four.
Mom: Oh! We eat tomatoes every day. butter is there?
Mary: There is butter, mom. We have fifteen packets of butter. Don't buy more!
Mom: Ok then, Would you like tea from the supermarket?
Mary: Yes, I'd like please but don't buy a lot of tea.
A Dialogue 2
Bob: Welcome to my party Peter! Would you like juice?
Peter: Yes, please. Thank you! What a nice party! presents did you get?
Bob: I got presents. Look! There are over 20 presents here.
Peter: WOW! Is there. birthday cake left?
Bob: Yes, there is. pieces do you want?
Peter: Just one piece. There are people here today. That's a big party.
Bob: It really is.
Peter: pizza did you cook for all these people?
Bob: My mom didn't cook pizza because I don't like it, but she made sandwiches. Can you see them? There are over forty sandwiches on the table.
Peter: Yes, I can see them. Let's go and eat
Well dene!
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
its fopp
22/12/2021 13:42:02
Are there any crisps?

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