Bài tập  /  Bài đang cần trả lời

Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu

1. John ............................... tennis once or twice a week.
A. is playing usually        B. is usually playing        C. usually plays     D. plays usually
2. Tom ......................... his hand when he was cooking dinner.
A. burnt            B. was burning        C. has burnt        D. had burnt
3. Jim is away on holiday. He ........................ to Spain.
A. is gone            B. have been            C. has been        D. was
4. Everything is going well. We ....................... any problems so far.
A. didn’t have            B. don’t have            C. haven’t had        D. hadn’t had
5. I think the weather ............................  be nice later.
A. shall            B. will                 C. is going to         D. can
6. Jane .................................... just a few minutes ago.
A. left                B. has left            C. leaves        D. had left
7. Timson ...................... 13 films and I think her latest is the best.
A. made            B. had made            C. has made        D. was making
8.  ................................. Robert lately ?
 A. Did you see        B. Have you seen        C. Do you see        D. Are you seeing
9. When I was a child, I ............................... the violin.
A.  was playing        B. am playing            C. played        D. play
10. He ......................... for the national team in 65 matches so far.
A. has played            B. has been played        C. played        D. is playing
11. I’m busy at the moment. I .................................. on the computer.
A.  work            B. worke            C. am working        D. working
12. When I looked round the door, the baby ............................. quietly.
A. is sleeping            B. slept            C. was sleeping    D. were sleeping
13. Robert ....................... ill for three weeks. He is still in hospital.
A. had been            B. has been            C. is             D. was
14. I’m very tired. I ..................... over four hundred miles today.
A. drive            B. am driving            C. have drived        D. have driven
15. Our friends ............................... meet us  at the airport tonight.
A. are                B. are going to            C. go to        D. will be to
16. This isn’t my first time to visit London  ........................... here before.
A. I’m                 B. I’d been            C. I was        D. I’ve been
17. What time ............................. to work this morning ?
A. did you get            B. are you getting        C. have you got    D. do you get
18. When I .....................  him, the man was running away.
A. see                B. was seeing            C. saw            D. had seen
19. I haven’t seen Kate ............................. Christmas.
A. for                B. never            C. ever            D. since
20. He’s worked for this company ......................... many years.
A. since            B. for                C. in            D. at
21. As soon as Martina saw the fire, she _______ the fire department
A.  was telephoning         B. telephoned             C. had telephoned     D. has telephoned
22. Every time Parkas sees a movie made in India, he _______homesick
A. will have left         B. felt                 C. feels         D. is feeling
23. Since I left Venezuela six years ago, I _______to visit friends and family several times
A. return             B. will have returned         C. am returning     D. have returned
24. After the race _______, the celebration began
A. had been won         B. is won             C. will be won        D. has been won
25. While he was washing his car, Mr. Brown _______a small dint in the rear fender.
A. has discovered         B. was discovering         C. is discovering     D. discovered
26. The earth _______ on the sun for its heat and light
A. is depended         B. depends             C. is depending     D. has depended
27. I’m busy at the moment _______on the computer
A. I work             B. I’m worked         C. I’m working     D. I worked
28. At this time tomorrow _______over the Atlantic 
A. we’re flying         B. we’ll be flying         C. we’ll fly          D.  we’re to fly
29. Our friends _______next us at the airport tonight 
A. are                 B. are going to         C. go to         D. will be to
30. When I entered the room, everyone _____________.
A. has been dancing          B.  was dancing         C. had danced         D. danced
31. He said that he _________ his homework since 7 o’clock.
A. had done            B. did                C. has done        D.  was doing
32. How long __________ able to drive? - Since 1990.
A. could you             B. have you been     C.  were you             D.  are you
33. She won't get married until she __________ 25 years old.
A. is                 B. will be         C.  had been             D. was.
34. This building used to be a library,_________?
A. doesn't it            B. didn’t it        C.  isn’t it             D. wasn’t it
35. Nobody was injured in the accident, ________?
A. was there            B. was he        C. were they            D. wasn't it
36. Let's go out for a walk, ______?
A.  not us            B. don't we        C. do we            D. shall we
37. Jane and I________ school in 1987.
A. finish     B. have finished           C. finishes                   D. finished
38 .  John and Ann  ………. married last Saturday. 
A. get                          B. got                       C. is getting                      D. have got       
39. His brother…………….high school 6 years ago
A. finish                                 B. finished     C. finishes            D. has finished 
40. We have been living here………...1990
A. for                                    B. from                        C. since              D. during
41. Pasteur _____ in the 19th century.
A. was living            B. lived         C. had lived            D. has lived
42. .Now my sister _____ a bicycle of her own.
A. is having            B. are having         C. has                D. had
43 .Don’t bother me while I ………………..
A. am working        B. was working     C. will work    D. will have completed
44 .How ................since we ................school?
A. are you / left B. will you be / had left    C. have you been / left           D. had you been/ had left
45. When he came..........................
A. I was watching TV    B. I watched TV        C. I am watching TV          D. I have watched TV
46. The piano _____ at the moment.
A. repairs        B. repaired        C. is repaired             D. is being repaired 
47. I saw Jack yesterday morning while I ________ home from work.
A. walked        B. was walking          C. am walking           D. had been walking
48. My brother................out at weekend.
A. doesn’t usually go         B. does usually not go  C. doesn’t usually goes    D. usually doesn’t goes.
49. Everyday, my sister .................the floor.
A. usually clean        B. cleans usually        C. usually cleaned    D. usually cleans
50. Your English   …………wonderfully since last   month.  
A. improved      B. was improved      C.  have improved    D.  has been  improved 
51. Anita ........ very hard at the moment.
A. is studying        B. studies        C. studied        D. has studied
52. He ____ for London one year ago.
A. left    B. has left    C. leaves    D. had left
53. She ____ in Hue for twenty years.
A. lives    B. has lived    C. lived    D. will live
54. I ____ to the market with my mother yesterday.
A. go    B. went    C. have gone    D. was going
55. How long ____ you ____ her? – For five months.
A. do/know    B. are/knowing    C. have/known    D. had/known
56. I usually ____ to school by bus.
A. went    B. am going    C. go    D. have gone
57. Yesterday morning I ____ up at 6.30.
A. got    B. get    C. was getting    D. had got
58. Please don’t make so much noise. I ____.
A. studying    B. study    C. am studying    D. studied
59. Water ____ at 100 degrees Celsius.
A. boils    B. boiled    C. is boiling    D. will boil
60.  It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. So it ____ for two hours.
A. rains    B. is raining    C. has rained    D. rained
61.   ____ you ____ out last night?
A. Did/go    B. Do/go    C. Have/gone    D. Were/going
62. This house ____ 35,000 pounds in 1980.
A. costs    B. cost    C. had cost    D. was cost
63.  While Tom ____ tennis, Ann ____ a shower.
A. played/took          C. was playing/was taking         B. playing/taking      D. was play/was take
64. Mike is playing chess. How long ____ he ____?
A. did/play    B. is/playing    C. has/play    D. has/been playing
65.  When they ____ in the garden, the phone ____. 
     A. worked/was ringing                B. worked/rang       B. were working/rang     D. work/rings
66.  After they ____ their breakfast, they ____ shopping yesterday.
A. have/go    B. had had/go    C. had/had gone           D. had had/went
67. They ____ tea when the doorbell ____.
A. have/is ringing      B. had had/ rang         B. were having/rang    D. having/ringing
68.  Father ____ his pipe while mother ____ a magazine.
A. smoked/read     C. was smoking/was reading       B. had smoked/read    D. smoking/reading
69. He ____ in the same house since 1975.
A. has lived    B. is living    C. lived    D. had lived
70. He ____ to HCMC last year and I ____ him since then.
     A. moved/didn’t see           B. moved/haven’t seen     
     C. moves/haven’t seen    D. moved/hadn’t seen
71.  We ____ what to do with the money yet.
 A. not decide    B. haven’t decided                     C. didn’t decide    D. hadn’t decided
72.  My father ____ as a teacher for thirty years.
A. works    B. is working    C. worked    D. has worked
73.  Nam is a careful driver but yesterday he ____ carelessly.
A. drove    B. had driven    C. drives    D. was driving
74.  Do you like swimming, Ba? – I ____ when I was a child but not now.
A. do    B. did    C. have done    D. had done
75. I ____ her at the school gate yesterday.
A. met    B. meet    C. had met    D. am meeting
76. I don’t remember where and when I ____ her.
A. meet    B. had met    C. met    D. have met
77.  They ____ to know each other for more than ten years.
A. get    B. got    C. have got    D. had got
78.  I ____ the film with my friends last week.
A. watched    B. watch    C. have watched  D. had watched
79.  He ____ up at five every morning.
A. is getting    B. got    C. gets    D. was getting
80.  ____ she ____ in Hue at the moment?
A. Does/live    B. Is/living    C. Did/live    D. Was/living
81. He  usually  ____  her  at  weekend  but  now  he  ____  in  bed  because  of  his  severe illness.
A. visits/stays  B. visits/staying    C. visited/stays    D. visits/is staying
82.  Don’t make noise, children! Parents ____.
A. sleep    B. are sleeping    C. were sleeping  D. slept
83. Why ____ you often ____ so much noise in the house?
A. do/make    B. did/make    C. are/making    D. were/making
84. What ____ he ____ before you came?
A. does/do    B. had/do    C. had/done    D. has/done
85. What ____ he ____ at 4pm last Sunday?
A. did/do    B. was/do    C. had/done    D. was/doing
86. Last  year  he  came  here  and  ____  me  to  marry  him  but  I  ____  too  young  to  get married.
A. asked/was   B. asks/am    C. had asked/was      D. has asked/am
87.    How long ____ you ____ novels?
A. have/write  B. do/write    C. have/written    D. are/writing
88.   ____ you sometimes ____ out with friends?
A. Are/going    B. Do/go    C. Have/gone    D. Did/go
89. I ____ a lot of badminton recently.
A. play    B. have played    C. am playing    D. was playing
90. We ____ your mother for ages.
A. don’t see    B. haven’t seen    C. didn’t see    D. hadn’t seen
91. We ____ our plan next week.
A. started    B. will start    C. have started    D. will have started
92. They ____ a house by June next year.
A. will build    B. are building    C. have built    D. will have built
93.  The film ____ by the time we get there.
A. ends    B. will end    C. is ending    D. will have ended
94.  Tom ____ to Hanoi before.
A. is never           B. had never been       C. was never                 D. has never been
95. When we came to the stadium, the match ____.
A. already begins             B. had already begun                 C. already began    D. have already begun
96. It was the first time I ____ such a beautiful girl.
A. ever saw    B. had ever seen               C. have ever seen               D. ever see
97. She ____ the gold medal in 1986.
A. wins    B. had won    C. won    D. has won
98. I ……….in this town for 15 years. My family……….here when I ……..10 years old
A. have been/moved/was    B. was/moved/was
C. was/have moved/ have been    D. was/moved/have been
99. Thousands of people………..this exhibition by the end of the month.
A. will see    B. are going to see           C. will have seen                D. are seeing
100. She told me that her family………in that town long.
A. lived        B. have lived               C. had lived                D. are living
5 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Nguyễn Nhật Minh
31/08/2018 11:03:20
1. John ............................... tennis once or twice a week.
A. is playing usually B. is usually playing C. usually plays D. plays usually
2. Tom ......................... his hand when he was cooking dinner.
A. burnt B. was burning C. has burnt D. had burnt
3. Jim is away on holiday. He ........................ to Spain.
A. is gone B. have been C. has been D. was
4. Everything is going well. We ....................... any problems so far.
A. didn’t have B. don’t have C. haven’t had D. hadn’t had
5. I think the weather ............................ be nice later.
A. shall B. will C. is going to D. can
6. Jane .................................... just a few minutes ago.
A. left B. has left C. leaves D. had left
7. Timson ...................... 13 films and I think her latest is the best.
A. made B. had made C. has made D. was making
8. ................................. Robert lately ?
A. Did you see B. Have you seen C. Do you see D. Are you seeing
9. When I was a child, I ............................... the violin.
A. was playing B. am playing C. played D. play
10. He ......................... for the national team in 65 matches so far.
A. has played B. has been played C. played D. is playing

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng nhập tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
Việt Nam vô địch
31/08/2018 11:27:58
2. Tom ...............A.......... his hand when he was cooking dinner.
A. burnt            B. was burning        C. has burnt        D. had burnt
3. Jim is away on holiday. He ...........C............. to Spain.
A. is gone            B. have been            C. has been        D. was
4. Everything is going well. We .........C.............. any problems so far.
A. didn’t have            B. don’t have            C. haven’t had        D. hadn’t had
5. I think the weather ..........B..................  be nice later.
A. shall            B. will                 C. is going to         D. can
6. Jane .............A....................... just a few minutes ago.
A. left                B. has left            C. leaves        D. had left
7. Timson ...........C........... 13 films and I think her latest is the best.
A. made            B. had made            C. has made        D. was making
8.  ....................B............. Robert lately ?
 A. Did you see        B. Have you seen        C. Do you see        D. Are you seeing
9. When I was a child, I ......................C......... the violin.
A.  was playing        B. am playing            C. played        D. play
10. He ................A......... for the national team in 65 matches so far.
A. has played            B. has been played        C. played        D. is playing
11. I’m busy at the moment. I ...............C................... on the computer.
A.  work            B. worke            C. am working        D. working
12. When I looked round the door, the baby .....................C........ quietly.
A. is sleeping            B. slept            C. was sleeping    D. were sleeping
13. Robert .............C.......... ill for three weeks. He is still in hospital.
A. had been            B. has been            C. is             D. was
14. I’m very tired. I ...........D.......... over four hundred miles today.
A. drive            B. am driving            C. have drived        D. have driven
15. Our friends ..................B............. meet us  at the airport tonight.
A. are                B. are going to            C. go to        D. will be to
16. This isn’t my first time to visit London  ..................D......... here before.
A. I’m                 B. I’d been            C. I was        D. I’ve been
17. What time ...............A.............. to work this morning ?
A. did you get            B. are you getting        C. have you got    D. do you get
18. When I ............C.........  him, the man was running away.
A. see                B. was seeing            C. saw            D. had seen
19. I haven’t seen Kate .........D.................... Christmas.
A. for                B. never            C. ever            D. since
20. He’s worked for this company ........B................. many years.
A. since            B. for                C. in            D. at
Việt Nam vô địch
31/08/2018 11:34:25
21/As soon as Martina saw the fire, she ___B____ the fire department
A.  was telephoning         B. telephoned             C. had telephoned     D. has telephoned
22. Every time Parkas sees a movie made in India, he ____C___homesick
A. will have left         B. felt                 C. feels         D. is feeling
23. Since I left Venezuela six years ago, I ___D____to visit friends and family several times
A. return             B. will have returned         C. am returning     D. have returned
24. After the race ____A___, the celebration began
A. had been won         B. is won             C. will be won        D. has been won
25. While he was washing his car, Mr. Brown ___D____a small dint in the rear fender.
A. has discovered         B. was discovering         C. is discovering     D. discovered
26. The earth ___B____ on the sun for its heat and light
A. is depended         B. depends             C. is depending     D. has depended
27. I’m busy at the moment ___C____on the computer
A. I work             B. I’m worked         C. I’m working     D. I worked
28. At this time tomorrow ____C___over the Atlantic 
A. we’re flying         B. we’ll be flying         C. we’ll fly          D.  we’re to fly
29. Our friends ___B____next us at the airport tonight 
A. are                 B. are going to         C. go to         D. will be to
30. When I entered the room, everyone ______B_______.
A. has been dancing          B.  was dancing         C. had danced         D. danced
31. He said that he _____A____ his homework since 7 o’clock.
A. had done            B. did                C. has done        D.  was doing
32. How long _______B___ able to drive? - Since 1990.
A. could you             B. have you been     C.  were you             D.  are you
33. She won't get married until she ______D____ 25 years old.
A. is                 B. will be         C.  had been             D. was.
34. This building used to be a library,_____B____?
A. doesn't it            B. didn’t it        C.  isn’t it             D. wasn’t it
35. Nobody was injured in the accident, ____C____?
A. was there            B. was he        C. were they            D. wasn't it
36. Let's go out for a walk, __D____?
A.  not us            B. don't we        C. do we            D. shall we
37. Jane and I_____D___ school in 1987.
A. finish     B. have finished           C. finishes                   D. finished
38 .  John and Ann  ……B…. married last Saturday. 
A. get                          B. got                       C. is getting                      D. have got       
39. His brother………B…….high school 6 years ago
A. finish                                 B. finished     C. finishes            D. has finished 
40. We have been living here……C…...1990
A. for                                    B. from                        C. since              D. during
41. Pasteur ___B__ in the 19th century.
A. was living            B. lived         C. had lived            D. has lived
42. .Now my sister __A___ a bicycle of her own.
A. is having            B. are having         C. has                D. had
43 .Don’t bother me while I ………A………..
A. am working        B. was working     C. will work    D. will have completed
44 .How .........C.......since we ................school?
A. are you / left B. will you be / had left    C. have you been / left           D. had you been/ had left
45. When he came...........A...............
A. I was watching TV    B. I watched TV        C. I am watching TV          D. I have watched TV
46. The piano ___D__ at the moment.
A. repairs        B. repaired        C. is repaired             D. is being repaired 
47. I saw Jack yesterday morning while I ____B____ home from work.
A. walked        B. was walking          C. am walking           D. had been walking
48. My brother.........C.......out at weekend.
A. doesn’t usually go         B. does usually not go  C. doesn’t usually goes    D. usually doesn’t goes.
49. Everyday, my sister .........D........the floor.
A. usually clean        B. cleans usually        C. usually cleaned    D. usually cleans
50. Your English   ………A…wonderfully since last   month.  
A. improved      B. was improved      C.  have improved    D.  has been  improved 
51. Anita .......A. very hard at the moment.
A. is studying        B. studies        C. studied        D. has studied
52. He __A__ for London one year ago.
A. left    B. has left    C. leaves    D. had left
53. She __B__ in Hue for twenty years.
A. lives    B. has lived    C. lived    D. will live
54. I ___B_ to the market with my mother yesterday.
A. go    B. went    C. have gone    D. was going
55. How long __C__ you ____ her? – For five months.
A. do/know    B. are/knowing    C. have/known    D. had/known
56. I usually __C__ to school by bus.
A. went    B. am going    C. go    D. have gone
57. Yesterday morning I __A__ up at 6.30.
A. got    B. get    C. was getting    D. had got
58. Please don’t make so much noise. I __C__.
A. studying    B. study    C. am studying    D. studied
59. Water ___A_ at 100 degrees Celsius.
A. boils    B. boiled    C. is boiling    D. will boil
60.  It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. So it ___C_ for two hours.
A. rains    B. is raining    C. has rained    D. rained
Việt Nam vô địch
31/08/2018 11:41:46
61/   __A__ you ____ out last night?
A. Did/go    B. Do/go    C. Have/gone    D. Were/going
62. This house __D__ 35,000 pounds in 1980.
A. costs    B. cost    C. had cost    D. was cost
63.  While Tom ___C_ tennis, Ann ____ a shower.
A. played/took          C. was playing/was taking         B. playing/taking      D. was play/was take
64. Mike is playing chess. How long ___A_ he ____?
A. did/play    B. is/playing    C. has/play    D. has/been playing
65.  When they __A__ in the garden, the phone ____. 
     A. worked/was ringing                B. worked/rang       B. were working/rang     D. work/rings
66.  After they ___D_ their breakfast, they ____ shopping yesterday.
A. have/go    B. had had/go    C. had/had gone           D. had had/went
67. They ___B_ tea when the doorbell ____.
A. have/is ringing      B. had had/ rang         B. were having/rang    D. having/ringing
68.  Father __C__ his pipe while mother ____ a magazine.
A. smoked/read     C. was smoking/was reading       B. had smoked/read    D. smoking/reading
69. He ___A_ in the same house since 1975.
A. has lived    B. is living    C. lived    D. had lived
70. He ___B_ to HCMC last year and I ____ him since then.
     A. moved/didn’t see           B. moved/haven’t seen     
     C. moves/haven’t seen    D. moved/hadn’t seen
71.  We ___B_ what to do with the money yet.
 A. not decide    B. haven’t decided                     C. didn’t decide    D. hadn’t decided
72.  My father ___D_ as a teacher for thirty years.
A. works    B. is working    C. worked    D. has worked
73.  Nam is a careful driver but yesterday he __A__ carelessly.
A. drove    B. had driven    C. drives    D. was driving
74.  Do you like swimming, Ba? – I __B__ when I was a child but not now.
A. do    B. did    C. have done    D. had done
75. I ___A_ her at the school gate yesterday.
A. met    B. meet    C. had met    D. am meeting
76. I don’t remember where and when I _D___ her.
A. meet    B. had met    C. met    D. have met
77.  They ___C_ to know each other for more than ten years.
A. get    B. got    C. have got    D. had got
78.  I ___A_ the film with my friends last week.
A. watched    B. watch    C. have watched  D. had watched
79.  He ___C_ up at five every morning.
A. is getting    B. got    C. gets    D. was getting
80.  ____B she ____ in Hue at the moment?
A. Does/live    B. Is/living    C. Did/live    D. Was/living
81. He  usually  __D__  her  at  weekend  but  now  he  ____  in  bed  because  of  his  severe illness.
A. visits/stays  B. visits/staying    C. visited/stays    D. visits/is staying
82.  Don’t make noise, children! Parents __B__.
A. sleep    B. are sleeping    C. were sleeping  D. slept
83. Why ___A_ you often ____ so much noise in the house?
A. do/make    B. did/make    C. are/making    D. were/making
84. What ___C_ he ____ before you came?
A. does/do    B. had/do    C. had/done    D. has/done
85. What ____A he ____ at 4pm last Sunday?
A. did/do    B. was/do    C. had/done    D. was/doing
86. Last  year  he  came  here  and  __A__  me  to  marry  him  but  I  ____  too  young  to  get married.
A. asked/was   B. asks/am    C. had asked/was      D. has asked/am
87.    How long __C__ you ____ novels?
A. have/write  B. do/write    C. have/written    D. are/writing
88.   ___B_ you sometimes ____ out with friends?
A. Are/going    B. Do/go    C. Have/gone    D. Did/go
89. I ____B a lot of badminton recently.
A. play    B. have played    C. am playing    D. was playing
90. We __B__ your mother for ages.
A. don’t see    B. haven’t seen    C. didn’t see    D. hadn’t seen
91. We ___B_ our plan next week.
A. started    B. will start    C. have started    D. will have started
92. They ___A_ a house by June next year.
A. will build    B. are building    C. have built    D. will have built
93.  The film __D__ by the time we get there.
A. ends    B. will end    C. is ending    D. will have ended
94.  Tom ___B_ to Hanoi before.
A. is never           B. had never been       C. was never                 D. has never been
95. When we came to the stadium, the match __B__.
A. already begins             B. had already begun                 C. already began    D. have already begun
96. It was the first time I ___C_ such a beautiful girl.
A. ever saw    B. had ever seen               C. have ever seen               D. ever see
97. She __C__ the gold medal in 1986.
A. wins    B. had won    C. won    D. has won
98. I ……A….in this town for 15 years. My family……….here when I ……..10 years old
A. have been/moved/was    B. was/moved/was
C. was/have moved/ have been    D. was/moved/have been
99. Thousands of people……B…..this exhibition by the end of the month.
A. will see    B. are going to see           C. will have seen                D. are seeing
100. She told me that her family……C…in that town long.
A. lived        B. have lived               C. had lived                D. are living
Trangg Minhh Lee
22/07/2021 12:35:00
+1đ tặng

1    D. plays usually
2A. burnt 
3 C. has been  
4 C. haven’t had  

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