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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
11/03/2018 19:14:59

Find and correct one mistake in each of the following sentences: Nam didn't go to work last week because of his sick

Find and correct one mistake in each of the following sentences
1. Nam didn't go to work last week because of his sick
2. Long often spends about a hour watching TV every day
3. Sh! My younger sister sleeps in the next room, so please don't make noise
4. Our summer vacation starts in the end of May and it lasts for almost three months
5. Phusics are one of my favourite subjects at school
6. The weather today is worst than it was yesterday
7. Yen, a new student in class 7A, is from Hue and her parents still live here
8. His parents never participate in the festival and so does he
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Minh tinh di động
11/03/2018 19:20:31
Find and correct one mistake in each of the following sentences
1. Nam didn't go to work last week because of his sick => of his sick
2. Long often spends about a hour watching TV every day => watching
3. Sh! My younger sister sleeps in the next room, so please don't make noise => sleeps,don't make noise
4. Our summer vacation starts in the end of May and it lasts for almost three m in the end of May
5. Phusics are one of my favourite subjects at school => Phusics
6. The weather today is worst than it was yesterday => worst
7. Yen, a new student in class 7A, is from Hue and her parents still live here => is from
8. His parents never participate in the festival and so does he => participate

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Cô Pé Thiên Yết
11/03/2018 19:21:04
1of his sick=> HE IS SICK
4. it=>its
5Phusics are=>phusic is
8.so =>neither

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