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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
25/09/2018 20:06:23

Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences

I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. He always (81. come) on time but this morning he (82. come) just a few minutes before the class (83. be) over.
2. Hurry up! Everyone (84. wait) for you.
3. My children enjoy (85. allow) (86. stay) up late when there is something special on TV.
4. He (87. not, finish) his work yet. He only (88. start) an hour ago.
5. Mary wasn’t wearing her glasses at that time, so she (89. not, notice what kind of car the man (90. drive)
II. WORD FORMS. (1.5 pts)
1. The _____ sweater that my mother bought is very cheap (SLEEVE)
2. The workers have made significant efforts to achieve greater ___ in the production progress.(EFFICIENT)
3. Solving the problem of ______ can help to save the environment (FOREST)
4. Mary has made a good ______ on this matter. (DECIDE)
5. Nowadays, the internet is ____ used. We can see many products advertised on it (COMMERCE)
6. Tim is a man of many ______. (ACCQUAINT)
7. The water here is drinkable because it is _______. (POLLUTE)
8. My teacher gave me much ______ advice before the exam. (PROFIT)
9. If a fairy ___ appeared and told you that you had three wishes, what would they be (MAGIC)
10. As this problem is _____, you don’t need to pay much attention to it. (IMPORTANT)
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Việt Nam vô địch
26/09/2018 07:02:11
I Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. He always comes (81. come) on time but this morning he has come(82. come) just a few minutes before the class (83. be) over.
2. Hurry up! Everyone is waiting(84. wait) for you.
3. My children enjoy allowing (85. allow) (86. stay) up late when there is something special on TV.
4. He (87. not, finish) hasn't finished his work yet. He only started (88. start) an hour ago.
5. Mary wasn’t wearing her glasses at that time, so she didn't (89. not, notice what kind of car the man was driving (90. drive)

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