Detective Conan is a famous Japanese detective story, written by Aoyama Gosho. Since its launch, the story has become a companion of many people, not only children but also adults all over the world. In addition to comics, it is also adapted into electronic games, music CDs as well as live action movies to meet the need of readers. The content revolves around the story of Kudo Shinichi, a intelligent student detective. However, during one case investigation, he was taken by members of the Black Organization to drink poison that immediately made his body shrink and since then, he took another nickname, Edogawa Conan, continuing the investigation to unmask this organization. He was sent to live in detective Mori’s house for a short time, helping him successfully investigate many cases. Reading each page of the book, we go from surprise to surprise by the attractive story situation, courage and the talented intellectual speculation of the detective guy.