like many songs, probably too many songs to mention. Each song moves me in a different way. And one of my most favorite songs is "Yesterday Once More" sung by The Carpenters. The old song was written about a person's childhood timeline when he/she used to listen to music and sing the favorite songs on a radio. For me, it is such a meaningful song. The song advises us to respect our childhood and the things we have experienced. I was mesmerized with overall lyrics and musical composition at the first time. It has sentimental meaning to me and makes me happy every time I hear it. I first heard it on an old Cassette player when I was maybe 11 or 12 and I found it is one of the best songs I'd ever heard. At that time, my English was not good enough to understand what the singer sang. When Iwas in grade 5, I was taught by an English teacher who sang English songs very well. She had a Notebook Lyrics, I really liked it, and so I tried to convince her to lend me it. In the end, she agreed but only on the condition that I had to sing an English song in front of class. I had no choice but to accept the condition. It took me one day to translate Yesterday Once More lyrics into Vietnamese and took a week to sing the song. Unfortunately, one part of the tape was damaged when I was able to sing it, because I had repeated the song too many times. A week later, as promised, I sang the song in front of class; it's too hard for me to do that.