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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 5
21/04/2019 09:26:09

Write about your dream job (doctor, nurse)

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Trần Thị Huyền Trang
21/04/2019 09:27:38
Each person has a dream job. For example, my father since the childhood dreamed to become a lawyer. My dream job is a doctor.Since the childhood I was interested in biology. I liked to play with toys in the doctor. I think that the doctor – very important and complex work, but at the same time she is always demanded. Everyone respects doctors. Why the doctor is complex work? In – the first because the doctor has to treat people. He can’t be mistaken, because by reason of small mistake people can die. In the second the doctor needs to learn a lot of things: names of medicines, anatomy and many other things.To become the doctor it is necessary to have strong character.The doctor can’t be afraid of a blood, the syringe or medicines. The doctor always has to be quiet and balanced. For example, the surgeon has to be able to react quickly in emergency situations and to cope with a stress. Also the doctor surely has to be honest. He shouldn’t take bribes or tell the truth. Doctor is a noble profession. He gives to the person hope for recovery.Do you know why I want to become a doctor? Because I want to help people, to save their lives. What can be better, than happiness in the opinion of the patient, than the healthy child and the recovered person? Nothing. And I want that people were grateful to me. I want that I worked in the pleasure.Of course, I am afraid that I won’t cope with this work. That I will lack knowledge and the person will die from – for my mistake.I am afraid not to manage to react and to undertake something. But I want to try. I will use the best efforts to become the doctor and to help people.Actually the next year I plan to come to medical college. I have a dream. And I will make everything that to carry out her and to become the real doctor.And I would like that each school student had a dream job and that everyone strove for the goal.

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Ng Khanh Linh
25/08/2021 16:37:00

“There is no such noble profession as a doctor’s profession,” said my mother, when I was a kid. Being born in a small town, I saw my family members to suffer through without advanced healthcare facilities and this incident inspired me to choose medical profession as there is no greater service than providing healthcare to the sick. I decided to pursue medicine as my career and my dream came true when I was ranked among the top performers in the state medical entrance exam and was admitted to the most prestigious medical schools in my state. Being the first doctor of my family, everybody has high hopes of me.




Being the first doctor/medical student in my family, everyone has high expectations of me. Becoming a doctor was my dream since I can


In high school, this game developed into my passion for Biology. I started spending more time reading about human biology and I decided to pursue a career in medicine. My dream came true when I was ranked among the top performers in the state medical entrance exam and was admitted into one of the most prestigious medical schools in my state.




When I was in the second year of medical school, my aunt became very sick. She was cachectic and icteric with very high bilirubin level. After visiting multiple doctors, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She was given chemotherapy and after two courses, sadly, she couldn’t survive the side effects. Initially, she had symptoms of epigastric pain and I was astounded by the fact that a fatal disease can present with minor symptoms initially. I realised the importance of understanding the disease course and pathology to make accurate diagnosis. This incident deeply impacted me and it is there I developed a keen interest in Internal Medicine. Even before I began


To gain exposure and get acquainted with the US medical system, I completed two months of clinical rotation in Mt. Sinai Hospital, NY working in the department of Cardiology and Infectious Diseases. Working closely with the fellows, helped me understand the rationale of choosing certain treatment protocols over other. I started referring to scientific articles for each case and in no time I realized my interest in research and to pursue this, I did two months of research elective at Johns Hopkins University in the Centre for Clinical Global Health Education working with Dr. Amita Gupta and her team on (a) residual respiratory impairment following Pulmonary Tuberculosis; and (b) prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. Being interested in research, during my fourth year, I did research on contraceptive knowledge in females of reproductive age group and prevalence of malnutrition in primary school children and I presented a poster of these findings at Medical Student’s International Conference 2013 and publication appeared in New Indian Journal of Surgery. Currently, I am working as an observer in Johns Hopkins Hospital in Infectious Diseases.

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