17. there is a small garden in my house
18. The power station will be rebuilt at the bigining of next yea
19. They will put solar panels in the back yard next sarturday
20. We will take a test on sources of energy at 10 o'clock on Tuesday
21. Tokyo has fewer billionaires than New York
22. Did a group of foreigners visit the slums last week?
23. The countryside suffer less pollution than the city
24. Overpopulation causes a lot of social problems in this area, doesn't it?
25. Shanghai has more skycrappers than Jakarta.
26. In spite of being a poor student, he studied very well
27. Because of her sickness, Mary could not go to school
28. Despite bad weather, she went to school on time
29. Because of the big storm, I stayed at home
30. Although his salary was good, Tom gave up his job
31. Althougn he is so young, his acting is excellent