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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
06/01/2022 19:55:44

Trang spent lots of money doing volunteer. She was admired for that

1.               Trang spent lots of money doing volunteer. She was admired for that

→ _________________________________________________________

2.               He has studied English and Math very well. He was proud of it.

→ _________________________________________________________

3.               He came to the event late. He apologized for that.

→ _________________________________________________________

4.               Mary has let her parents down. She feels sorry for that.

→ _________________________________________________________

5.               He has been treated like a second-class citizen. He doesn’t appreciate that.

→ _________________________________________________________

6.               I have locked the door before leaving. I remember that.

→ _________________________________________________________

7.               Diana had left her mobile phone at home. She regretted that.

→ _________________________________________________________

8.               He has achieved success in his job. He is happy about that.

→ _________________________________________________________

9.               Tom helped the newcomer a lot. She thanks him for that.

→ _________________________________________________________

10. She has been welcomed in the new company. She appreciates that.

→ _________________________________________________________

11. He told me that he would finish the project in time. Then, he denied that.

→ _________________________________________________________

12. Kate didn’t come to my birthday party as promised. She apologised for that.

→ _________________________________________________________

13. The man kept on moving during red lights. He was fined for that.

→ _________________________________________________________

14. I have given you a lot of money without asking you to return. I remember that.

→ _________________________________________________________

15. The man has made many mistakes in the project. He is responsible for that.

→ _________________________________________________________

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Hải Yến Lê
06/01/2022 20:42:42
+4đ tặng
1.Trang was admired for having spent lots of money doing volunteer.
Giải thích: Ta có: “was/were admired for having done sth”: được ngưỡng mộ vì đã làm gì
2.He was proud of having studied English and Math very well.
Giải thích: Ta có: “was/were proud of having done sth”: tự hào vì đã làm gì
3.He apologized for having come to the event late.
Giải thích: Ta có: “apologised for having done sth”: xin lỗi vì đã làm gì
4.Mary feels sorry for having let her parents down.
Giải thích: Ta có: “feel sorry for having done sth”: cảm thấy hối tiếc vì đã làm gì
5.He doesn’t appreciate having been treated like a second-class citizen.
Giải thích: Ta có: “ not appreciate having been done sth”: không đánh giá cao việc bị làm gì
6. I remember having locked the door before leaving.
Giải thích: Ta có: “remember having done sth”: nhớ là đã làm gì
7.Diana regretted having left her mobile phone at home.
Giải thích: Ta có: “regretted having done sth”: hối hận vì đã làm gì
8.: He is happy about having achieved success in his job. 
Giải thích: Ta có: “be happy about having done sth”: hạnh phúc vì đã làm gì

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