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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
09/05/2022 15:42:22

Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences

Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.
5.    Be careful! You __________.
       A. are going to fall     B. will fall                  C. should fall              D. are falling
6.    We __________ a field trip to Nam Cat Tien National park next month but I’m not sure.
       A. have                       B. might have             C. are having              D. are going to have
7.    A: I’d like to buy that dress, but I don’t have enough money.
B: Don’t worry. I __________ some.
       A. am lending             B. lent                         C. am going to lend          D. will lend
8.    My mum __________ to Paris tomorrow morning. She has to get up early because her flight is at 7a.m. 
       A. travels                    B. travelled                 C. is travelling            D. will travel
9.    Patrick is __________ going on roller coasters. He thinks they are dangerous and he is scared that the roller coasters might go off the track.
       A. fond of                   B. afraid of                 C. interested in           D. famous for
10. Sally __________  paintballing with us if she __________ her homework.
       A. has/ finishes                                               B. will do/ will finish
       C. is going/ finishes                                        D. will go/ finishes
11. I love watching sports events at a(n)__________. It is noisy but exciting, especially when people cheer as the teams come on to the field.   
       A. stadium                  B. amusement park     C. theatre                    D. concert hall
12. Edinburgh has some interesting flea markets. They sell lots of different things and you can __________ bargains there.
       A. sample                    B. see                          C. pick up                   D. go on
13. My parents are taking me to the London Eye tomorrow. I really look forward to __________ a ride in a capsule.
       A. seeing                     B. taking                     C. playing                   D. going
14. Student A: What did you think of the movie last night?
      Student B: _________.
       A. It was fantastic.                                         B. It’s bored.
       C. I don’t think about it.                                D. I enjoy it.              
15. Read the information on the sign and choose the     correct statement.
A. The museum opens from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
B. You can bring food in the museum.
C. Entry to the museum is free.
D. There isn’t a café in this museum.
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16. Read the information on the sign and choose the correct statement.
A. Children can wear shoes in this playground.
B. If you like playing in this area, you should be taller than 130 cm.
C. You can buy food and drinks in this playground.
D. If you are older than 7 years old, you can’t use this playground.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Cẩm Tú Lê
14/05 10:00:36
5a 6b 7d 8c
9b 10d 11a 12b 13 b 14a 

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