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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
13/07/2022 22:23:54

Read the paragraph below and match each word in red with its definition

DEFINITIONS A. Read the paragraph below and match each word in red with its definition (1-5).
There are a few ways to test how smart animals are. One method is to test memory.
Scientists in Japan showed a group of college students and a group of five-year-old
chimps the numbers 1 to 9 in different places on a computer screen. The test was to see
if the groups could remember the position of the numbers in the correct order. Each time,
the chimps were faster than the students. Why? Were the chimps special in some way?
Did someone assist them? No, but the chimps probably had an important advantage:
They were young. As both humans and animals get older, their memory gets worse.
.: a way of doing something
.: to help
.: clever
.: better or more important than others
.: something that helps you succeed
COMPLETION B. Complete the information with the words from the box.
alike communicate feelings
Orangutans and humans are ¹
in some ways. Both are very 2-
animals. For example, to stay dry when it rains,
orangutans take leaves from trees and use them
like umbrellas. These apes don't have a complex¹
like humans do. But
language 3_
today, some orangutans are learning basic sign
language to express their thoughts and 4.
New research also suggests that orangutans can
about the past, just like humans.
1 If something is complex, it is complicated or made up of many parts.
assist different
WORD PARTS C. Some nouns use the suffixes -ance and -ence. Use the noun form of these words
to complete the sentences. Add the correct suffix to each word.
A Sumatran
1. What is the
2. The fact that apes use tools shows they have great
3. Whales will often give
between a dolphin and a porpoise?
to other whales that are in danger.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Phan Thảo
14/07/2022 09:13:34
+5đ tặng
1. method
2. assist
3. smart
4. special
5. advantage

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