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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
13/08/2022 20:12:33


----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
School have just been put up all over the school.
18. The building was completely
19. The little boy has repeatedly denied_
20. She was disappointed
by the fire.
the window.
as the best student in my school.
1. They feed the animals twice a day. The animals are fed twice a da
You should keep these pictures in an album.
John has broken my watch.
People warned us not to go out alone.
They didn't give me the money.
You must keep your room tidy.
7. Dangerous driving causes many accidents.
8. Someone left the coat on the chair.
The librarian arranged the books into sections.
10. Jack has already shut the windows.
11. You must write the answers on one side of the paper only.
12. They have celebrated Teachers' Day largely since 1982.
13. They make Honda cars in Japan.
14. He has just told them about that.
15. People sell apples on the street corner.
16. Someone has pushed the table on the corner.
17. Candidates cannot use dictionaries.
(not no
18. They asked her some difficult questions at the interview.
19. They sell a special kind of tea here.
20. Someone may pick you up at the hotel.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Yến Nguyễn
13/08/2022 20:16:28
+5đ tặng
1, The animals are fed twice a day.  
My watch has been broken by John.
4, We weren't warned to go out alone.

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