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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
15/08/2022 15:23:12
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Look at the pictures. What do you think the story is about?

1 Look at the pictures. What do you think the story is about?
Discuss with a
Long ago a king lived in the town of
He had four sons
One day be said, I am getting very old now
Rama to be king."
and I want my oldest son
"No! Rama's stepmother cried. My so
son must
be king!
The King listened to his wife, and he sadly
leave. Rama couldn't
return to Ayodhya for 14 years
old his oldest son to
One day Sita saw a beautiful golden deer. 'Rama,
cach it for me," she said.
When Rama left to catch the deer, Ravana came
the house dressed in a costume. He caught Sita
and took her back to his palace.
When Rama returned and saw that Sita wasn't there,
he searched but he couldn't find her. He decided to
ask Hanuman for help. Hanuman was the great
leader of the monkeys. He could fly over mountains,
change size and he was very strong. Don't worry.
I can find her quickly," he said to Rama.
Rama and his wife, Sita. left Ayodhya. They
travelled for many days until they came to a fores
This looks like the perfect place to live,' said Ron
For many years, they lived happily in the forest.
But there was a terrible man called Ravana in the
forest. He saw Sita one day and he wanted to take
her. He had a plan.
1 Read the story again. Write the people or things.
a very old city
Rama and Sita return to Ayodhya.
Hanuman finds Sita.
Sita sees a golden deer.
Rama, please.
On her way to Ravana's palace,
Spa carefully dropped her
jewellery. As Hanuman flew in
die sky, the pieces of jewellery
were like little lights showing
him the way. Soon he found
Sa. She was in the garden of
Ravana's palace,
Hamman quickly told Roma
where Sita was. He organised
a great army of monkeys and
bears. Together, they rescued
her from Ravana.
Number the events from the story in the correct order 1-5.
3 Complete the speech bubbles with ideas from the story.
Sita and Rama go to the forest,
1 Rama leaves the palace.
redan fra
2 Who do you think is brave/clever/unkind/helpful in the story?
3 How do you think the characters feel in these parts of the story?
Rama and Sita were happy again,
and finally, after 14 years, they
went back to Ayodhya. There were
flowers and lanterns in the streets.
The people cheered loudly and were
very happy to see their real king.
When Hanuman tells Rama he found Sita
• When Rama and Sita return to Ayodhya
When the King tells Rama and Sita to leave Ayodhya
When Ravana takes Sita
In some parts of the world
today, people still celebrate
Rama going home.
Rama and his friends are..
Listen. Then tell the story.
ed emotional skills: Helping others
The mouse can't...
Together, the friends...
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