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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
17/08/2022 13:41:08

Trả lời câu hỏi


The History of Easter Eggs


Easter eggs, also called Paschal eggs, are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or springtime. The practice of decorating eggshell is ancient. Ostrich eggs with engraved decoration that are 60,000 years old have been found in Africa. In Europe, it was traditional to use dyed and painted chicken eggs at Easter, but a modern custom is to substitute chocolate eggs, or plastic eggs filled with confectionery such as jelly beans.

Easter eggs are a widely popular symbol of new life in Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, and other Central European countries where they are concealed in the garden for children to find. Eggs, in general, were a traditional symbol of fertility and rebirth. Some magic rituals, these days, often use eggs to promote fertility and restore virility (of the body and mind); and to foresee the future.

Question 1-3

Answer the questions below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

  • What is another name for Easter Eggs?
  • What type of eggs were formerly used at Easter in Europe?
  • What did eggs represent on the whole?

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
17/08/2022 14:37:42
+5đ tặng
  • What is another name for Easter Eggs?
  • Paschal eggs
  • What did eggs represent on the whole?
  • fertility, rebirth
  • What type of eggs were formerly used at Easter in Europe?
  • dyed and painted chicken eggs

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