My most humiliating experience happened when I was a seven-year- old student. (2) It was on a sunny day in summer that I was crying loudly because of having my hair cut by my mother. (3) So ugly was the hair that I didn’t want anybody to see it. (4) Therefore, I decided to wear a hat on the following school-day. (5) As I had expected, the hideous haircut was so cleverly concealed that hardly could it ruin my appearance. (6) Not until my partner accidentally took the hat off my hair, however, did the situation become worse. (7) My short hair was seen and all of my friends laughed at me. (8) Some even blurted that I looked like a monster in Japanese fairy tales. (9) I was extremely embarrassed at that moment. (10) Immediately, I burst into tears and couldn’t help running out of the classroom. (11) After a while, my teacher came and encouraged me. (12) I came back to my class and my friends didn’t tease me any more. (13) Now I feel that I was so childish then. (14) Anyway, this is a memorable experience that I will never forget.