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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
29/10/2022 19:08:36

Đọc đoạn văn và điền 1 từ vào chỗ trống

Part 3:
A. Đọc đoạn văn và điền 1 từ vào chỗ trống
Uyên woke up from the heat (hơi nóng). She didn't turn on (bật) the air conditioner (điều hoà)
even though (thậm chí) it got hotter and more humid (âm wot). That was because she didn't want
to spend more on her monthly electricity bill (hoả đơn tiền điện).
After having breakfast, Uyên worked on her laptop. She had to work from home (làm việc tại
nhà) due to the COVID-19 outbreak (sự bùng phát). She liked working online (làm việc trực
tuyến) - it saved (tiết kiệm) time and money as she didn't need to travel (di lai) to work. The
negative side (mặt tiêu cực) was that she earned (kiếm) less; her company struggled (vật lộn) to
balance (cân bằng) its budget (chi phí). So did Uyên. Her spending habits (thói quen chi tiêu)
changed during this pandemic (dot dich). She only bought things that were really necessary (cần
thiết). She stopped buying snacks and expensive electronic goods (do điện tửr). At first, it was
stressful (mệt mỏi, căng thẳng). When they were lockdowns (giãn cách) and travel restrictions
(cắm đi lại), she had to stay indoors (trong nhà) most of the time without her comfort food and
interesting devices (thiết bị) to explore (khám phá). As time went by, Uyên discovered (phát
hiện) new hobbies and joys (niềm vui). Online shopping (mua sắm trực tuyến) gave her more
choices (lựa chọn) at lower prices (giả cả thấp hơn). She searched (tìm kiếm) for recipes (công
thức nấu ăn) online and cooked more. Her living expenses (chi phí sinh hoạt) were less, and her
diet (bữa ăn) was healthier (lành mạnh hơn). Uyên learned that some unexpected changes (sự
thay đổi không mong muốn) could be for the better, not for worse
36. Uyên didn't use the air conditioner as she didn't want to spend
37. Working online didn't require Uyên to travel to work, so it saved
38. Uyên's spending changed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
39. Uyên bought products only if they were
40. Uyên didn't buy more snacks and costly
41. At first, it was
for Uyêr to stop buying things she loved.
helped her cook more.
42. Then, Uyên found out that online items were at
43. Recipes that Uyên looked up
on electricity.
and money.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
29/10/2022 19:14:22
+5đ tặng
36. more
37 time
38 habits
39 nccessary

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