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Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation

A. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation
1. A. live                    B. dishes                     C. idea                         D. milk
2. A. east                     B. clean                       C. seat                         D. great
B. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each
3. A. housework          B. apartment               C. basement                D. shopping
4. A. important            B. countryside             C. business                  D. beautiful
Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions.
5. My grandmother is over seventy but she always ________ early to go jogging in the park.
A. got up                     B. gets up                    C.    get up                   D. will get up
6. Don’t worry. You can park your car at my house. It has a ________.
A. balcony                   B. pool                        C. garage                     D. gym
7. My ________ is a teacher. He is 43 years old.
A. mothers' brothers    B. brother's mother     C. mother's brothers    D. mother's brother
8. Kevin: ________ does the most housework in your family?
    Sarah: My mother.  A. Who                                   B. What                       C. What time               D. Where
9. How many people _________ in your family?
A. there are                 B. are there                  C. there is                    D. is there
10. My little brother wants to help my mother with the housework, so he does the ________ after meals.
A. dishes                     B. bed                         C. dinner                     D. floor
11. We can have good meals at a ________.  A. hospital      B. college        C. restaurant      D. station
12. Đà Lạt is my beloved ________. I was born and grew up there.
A. house                      B. hometown              C. market                    D. region
Find the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
13. This city is famous from being the cleanest city in the world.
         A         B                C                                         D
14. Lots of people visits Cần Thơ for its floating markets and beautiful rivers.
              A                B                         C                               D
15. We want to take a picture of new house Lisa’s. It’s beautiful.
                         A                    B              C                D
16. Mike and Tom doesn’t go swimming in the river.
                                   A                  B        C      D
Write the correct form of the given words.
17. You can see many big and beautiful ______________(BUILD) from here.
18. Living in a town is _____________ (DIFFER) from living in a big city.
19. My grandfather speaks English and Russian very ___________ (FLUENT).
20. Lan’s uncle works in a famous restaurant. He’s a good ____________(COOKING).
Read the following passage and fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box.
Housework in My Family
student      does       make       dishes       clean       take
Today I want to talk about housework in my family.
I think I do the most housework in my family. I __________(21) the kitchen every day. I do the___________ (22), too. My mom does the shopping. She's a teacher in a school. My sister is a college _____________(23). She doesn’t do anything! She doesn’t ____________(24) her bed or clean her room. My dad cleans her room after work. He's a chef in a restaurant so he makes dinner. He ____________(25) the laundry and cleans the bathroom, too. Hmm. Now, I really think about it, my dad does the most housework.
A. Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences.
26. My parents/ early/ get/ the / up/ in/ morning/.à _________________________________________
27. A village/ doesn’t have/ and it/ is/ in the countryside/a lot of houses/.
à ____________________________________________________________
28. Wednesdays/ My/ always/ on/ sister/ does/ washing/ the/.
à ___________________________________________________________________
B. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.
29. There are three thousand people living in this village.à The population _____________________________
30. Mr. Johnson is Ken’s teacher.à Ken is __________________________________________________
Unit 2 | SCHOOL
A. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
1. A. novel                  B. soccer                     C. role                         D. comic
2. A. art                       B. activity                   C. magic                      D. fantasy
B. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the
3. A. hurry                   B. prefer                      C. open                        D. visit
4. A. literature             B. biology                   C. geography               D. technology
Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions.
5. My favorite subject is __________ because I like learning about mountains and rivers of different countries in the world.     A. art        B. geography              C. physics                         D. history
6. My sister likes acting. She is going to join the______________ at school.
A. indoor activities    B. English club           C. drama club              D. class
7. I have 4 classes today. Physics, Math, Biology, _______ Music.
A. and                         B. or                            C. but                          D. Both A and B are correct
8. Peter Pan is a _______ novel. It's about a boy teaching a girl magic and how to fly.
A. fantasy                    B. mystery                   C. secret                      D. adventure
9. I __________ playing badminton in my free time.A. want      B. would like           C. want to                D. like
10. Can I borrow your eraser? I can’t find  __________.  A. yours        B. me         C. my              D. mine
11. Tom: Why don’t we join the English Speaking club?      Peter: Good idea! _________________________.
A. Why?                                                          B. We can’t make more new friends.            
C. We can’t write it well.                                D. We can improve our pronunciation.
12. You can join one of the three sports clubs this year: badminton, basketball, __________ table-tennis.
A. and                         B. or                            C. but                          D. both A and B are correct
Find the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
13. I can't find my pen anywhere. Can I borrow yours pen?
     A                  B              C                                   D
14. Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass is an exciting novel for the author Nguyễn Nhật Ánh.
                                                                A                       B     C            D
15. Do you think your friends likes reading that new book?
       A                    B                  C       D
16. Geography is my favorite subject. I don’t like math, physics and chemistry.
                         A  B                                      C                               D
Write the correct form of the given words.
17. Would you like to go to the ________________ (perform) of our drama group this evening?
18. Our subjects at school are interesting, but ____________(THEY) aren’t.         
19. Do you know the _______________ (WRITE) of this book?    
20. His free time ________________ (ACT) are cooking, reading, and listening to music.
Read Jo’s message and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
Hello everyone, my name’s Jo. I am reading an interesting series of fantasy novels, Harry Potter, by the famous British author J. K. Rowling. In this series, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are my most favorite characters. They study at Hogwarts – a magic school, and they use their magic to help their friends. All the teachers and students in the school have magic, too. They can fly to school, but they cannot use their magic outside school. One day, there is a war between Hogwarts’ students and some dark magic teachers. Harry and his friends save everyone from danger. I learn a lot of good lessons about friendship from this book series. This is why I love it the most. I think you should read it too, and I hope you will share your favorite books with me. It will be great!
21. Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels.                                                                         
22. Not many people know about the author of this series.                                                     
23. Ron Weasley is a teacher at Hogwarts.                                                                             
24. Only teachers at Hogwarts can use magic to fly to school.                                               
25. Jo loves this series because she learns about good friendship from it.                              
A. Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences.
26. of/ reading?/ books/ What/ do/ kinds/ you/ likeà ________________________________________________
27. because we can/ love doing/ We/ from paper/ arts and crafts/ make pretty things/.
à ___________________________________________________________________
28. is/ favorite/ chess/ activity/ indoor/ my/ Playing/.à _____________________________________
B. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.
29. Our school has a science club and a drama club.à There is ________________________________
30. She likes studying History.à Her favorite _____________________________________________
A. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
1. A. wear                   B. sneakers                  C. beach                      D. clean
2. A. vegetables          B. blond                      C. black                       D. blue
B. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the
3. A. yellow                B. wearing                   C. describe                  D. center
4. A. soccer                 B. cartoon                   C. picnic                      D. sweater
Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions.
5. She doesn’t do any housework or homework. She's _________.
A. lazy                         B. selfish                     C. helpful                    D. friendly
6. We're going to the _______ to play badminton on Sunday. Would you like to come?
A. sports center           B. movie theater          C. beach                      D. barbecue
7. They aren’t watching a movie ___.A. on the weekend      B. yesterday    C. last Tuesday    D. this morning
8. __________ this program or can I turn the TV off? 
A. You watch        B. Are you watching           C. Do you watch                   D. Did you watch
9. My little sister has ___________ hair.A. black short         B. black long    C. short long    D. long black
10. Alice always thinks about herself and never about other people. She’s _________.
A. kind                        B. selfish                     C. lazy                         D. slim
11. Your ____________ looks very warm. Where did you buy it?
A. sweater                   B. jeans                       C. sneakers                  D. cap
12. We ___________ a barbecue tonight. Do you want to come?
A. have                        B. are having               C. is going to have      D. won’t have
Find the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
13. We make a pizza tomorrow. Do you want to join us?
               A     B                             C                     D
14. Diego always shares his candy with his friends, he isn’t unselfish.
                                  A                      B          C                D
15. Are you go shopping with my sister tomorrow evening?
               A   B                    C                                        D         
16. We are having video games at my house this Saturday afternoon.
              A     B                                C              D
Write the correct form of the given words.
17. Few people want to talk with Simon because he is ___________ (FRIEND). 
18. Janina and Kim can’t go shopping now because it’s ______________ (RAIN) hard.
19. Thank you for __________ (INVITE) me to your birthday party.
20. Simon is very __________ (HELP) when his friends have problems with their homework.
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best suits the blank.
My cousin’s name is Camilla. She’s very different (21) _________ me. Her hair is blond, not dark like mine. It’s very long. My hair is curly, but (22) _________ is very straight. She has beautiful blue eyes (like the sky). She’s quite short and I’m very tall. We don’t (23) _________ the same hobbies and interests, but we have (24) _________ fun together. Camilla is friendly and cheerful. She is also a good listener. She always helps me and (25) _________ me good advice. We often go to each other’s houses on the weekend. We play video games, watch TV or sometimes we play music together.
21. A. on                                B. in                              C. from                              D. with
22. A. Camilla’s hair              B. Camilla                     C. Camilla has hair            D. Camilla hair
23. A. give                              B. share                         C. talk                                D. do
24. A. many                            B. little                          C. lots                                D. a lot of
25. A. having                          B. gives                         C. get                                 D. Makes
A. Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences.
26. football/ The children/ in the/ playing/ the moment/ at/ backyard/ are/.
à ___________________________________________________________________
27. wearing/ She/ blue T-shirt/ is/ jeans/ a/ and/.à _________________________________________
28. this afternoon/ are/ We/ the mall/ going/ at/ shopping/.à ___________________________________
B. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.
29. Kim’s hair is short and brown.à Kim has __________________________________________
30. What do you plan to wear for the birthday party?à What are ________________________________
A. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
1. A. opens                  B. closes                      C. leaves                      D. ends
2. A. performance       B. talent                      C. fashion                    D. candy
B. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the
3. A. activity               B. festival                    C. restaurant                D. apricot
4. A. parade                B. special                     C. sometimes               D. never
Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions.
5. I ____ go to the movies. Maybe just once or twice a year.  A. always      B. rarely  C. sometimes    D. often
6. On Christmas Day, children __________ Christmas presents from Santa Claus. 
A. buy                         B. celebrate                 C. watch                      D. receive
7. I want to check out the __________. All the dishes look delicious.
A. food stands             B. talent show             C. puppet show           D. tug of war
8. The new movie _________ at 9:45 tomorrow, you can buy tickets online or at the box office.
A. starting                   B. starts                       C. is started                 D. started
9. My kids are _______ about the trip to Nha Trang this weekend. They love playing on the beach.
A. excited                    B. bored                      C. sad                          D. peaceful
10. How often _______ Bobby _______ the shopping?A. does / do    B. do / does    C. does / doing  D. do / doing
11. I ___ chat with people I don’t know because it’s dangerous.  A. never   B. sometimes    C. always      D. usually
12. During Tết, people often _________ their relatives and friends .A. have B. visit           C. invite           D. go to
Find the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
13. Jackie rarely goes running in Saturday mornings.
                    A       B                 C                      D
14. The first performance of the shows begin in 20 more minutes.
                              A         B                      C    D
15. Everybody watches usually fireworks and eats  traditional foods at New Year.
                                    A                                     B                   C          D
16. I usually eat fast food because it’s not good for  my health.
                A                                     B                   C         D
Write the correct form of the given words.
17. Turkey and mashed potatoes are _____________(TRADITION) food on Thanksgiving Day.
18. There are many great ___________________(PERFORM) at the music festival.
19. People in different countries have different ways to ______________(CELEBRATION) New Year.
20. I think fashion shows are ________________(BORE). I don’t like them at all.
Read Jian’s email and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each of the following questions.
Hi Sammy!
Thanks for your email. We’re celebrating Chinese New Year at the moment. We celebrate it in the first month of spring. It’s a very important festival for Chinese people. Before the celebrations, we clean our house. This is a tradition – we wipe away all the bad things. On New Year’s Eve, we have a special meal with our family. We eat traditional food and watch fireworks at midnight. We also wear red clothes. Red means fire, so we believe that our red clothes help chase away bad spirits. When we wake up on New Year’s Day, we always find red envelopes in our beds. There is money in them – they’re presents from our parents and grandparents. We watch dragon dances, too. They’re my favorite part of the festival. I love Chinese New Year, because I like all the traditions and I like being with my family.
Write to me about one of your festivals.                              Take care.          Jian
21. When do Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year? 
       A. At the moment       B. In the first month of spring   C. In the first spring                  D. On New Year’s Eve
22. What do people often do before the celebrations?
A. wear red clothesB. eat traditional food     C. have special meals        D. clean their houses
23. What is the meaning of the color ‘red’?  A. fire       B. bad spirits          C. New Year               D. fireworks
24. On New Year’s Day, Jian usually ______.A. gets presents from her friends        B. wipes away bad things
       C. gets red envelopes with money inside      D. gives presents to her parents
25. ___ is Jian’s favorite part of the festival.    A. Eating traditional food  B. Getting money in red envelopes    
C. Watching fireworks                                          D. Watching dragon dances
A. Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences.
26. you should/ I think/ sing really well/ participate in the/ you can/ talent show/ because/.
à ___________________________________________________________________
27. the festival/ a tug/ There's/ of war/ and food stands/ at/.à ____________________________________
28. there/ in/ a/ is/ festival/ city/ When/ your/?à _______________________________________________
B. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.
29. What about making a pizza tomorrow evening?à Let’s _____________________________________
30. I always get to school on time.à I am never______________________________________________
A. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
1. A. price                   B. medium                  C. expensive                D. milk
2. A. herbs                   B. check                      C. lemon                      D. egg
B. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the
3. A. dessert                B. menu                       C. pasta                       D. orange
4. A. countable            B. popular                   C. delicious                 D. medium
Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions.
5.  “How much __________ jeans?” – “ __________ fifty dollars.”
A. is this / It’s        B. are these / They’re          C. is that / Those are                        D. are those / It’s
6. This T-shirt is too small for me. Do you have it in a large ____________?
A. price                       B. change                    C. color                       D. size
7. The _______ is in the corner. You can try your clothes there.
A. changing room       B. sneaker                   C. skirt                         D. waiting room
8. What are the answers to_______________ questions?   A. these  B. those   C. that           D. A and B are correct.
9. Would you like to have __________ coffee?  A. any       B. some            C. an                D. these
10. I often eat __________ apple after lunch.      A. a        B. some        C. any        D. an
11. Harry’s favorite __________ is lemon cheesecake.  A. seafood       B. vegetable           C. dessert        D. meal
12. People usually leave some money as a _______ at the restaurant after eating.
A. tip                           B. menu                       C. chef                         D. waiter
Find the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
13. I would like to have a hamburger and any ice cream, please.
            A               B                             C    D
14. Excuse me, how much is this shirt cost?
                    A              B    C          D
15. There are a long dress and some beautiful skirts in this shop.
                 A            B                                           C             D
16. Twenty dollars are too much for a bowl of Vietnamese phở.
                       A      B             C                               D
Write the correct form of the given words.
17. The food in this restaurant is not really good, but we like the ______________(SERVE) here.
18. Lan’s mother works as a ______________(SELL) assistant at a shoe store.
19. These snacks are full of sugar and salt. They are not ______________(HEALTH).
20. Cơm tấm is a rice dish with _________________(GRILL) pork.
Read the notes and complete the conversation between a customer and a sales assistant. For each blank, write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.
Price: $ 7
Color: Black
Price: $ 30
S, M, L, XL
Sales assistant:    Hello. Can I help you?
Customer:            Yes, please. Do you have these socks in white?
Sales assistant:    Sorry, we only have them in (21) ____________.
Customer:            That’s fine. How much are they?
Sales assistant:    They are (22) ____________ dollars.
Customer:            I’ll take them.
Customer:            Do you have this green sweater in a large size?
Sales assistant:    Let me check. I’m sorry, we only have it in a (23) ___________ size. But we have a large size in (24) ______________. Here it is.
Customer:            Oh, it’s great. How much is it?
Sales assistant:    It’s (25) _______________ dollars.
Customer:            I’ll take it, too.
A. Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences.
26. hot curry/ order/ We/ and eat/ it with rice/ usually/.à _________________________________________
27. shorts/ Do/ have/ in/ a/ these/ you/ size/ medium/?à ___________________________________________
28. You/ omelet/ some/ to/ need/ an/ eggs/ make/.à _______________________________________________
B. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.
29. There aren’t any apple pies left for our dessert tonight.à We have __________________________________
30. What is the price of this jacket?à How much_________________________________________________
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Thanh Bình
01/01/2023 15:30:35
Find the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
13. Jackie rarely goes running in Saturday mornings.
                    A       B                 C                      D
14. The first performance of the shows begin in 20 more minutes.
                              A         B                      C    D
15. Everybody watches usually fireworks and eats  traditional foods at New Year.
                                    A                                     B                   C          D
16. I usually eat fast food because it’s not good for  my health.
                A                                     B                   C         D

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