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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 5
21/03/2023 12:24:46

Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0

Chỉ cần làm bài 3 thôi ạ làm nhanh giúp em 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0.
Bob's father: Oh, really? So, why don't you get up early, and play football with your friends Tony and Tom
every morning?
Bob: Well, maybe you're right, Dad.
0 C
Bob's father: You stay in your room all day, Bob. What would you like to be when you grow up?
Bob: Daddy, it is summer time, so hot. I can't play football. I'm in my room to write and draw my football
comic book, you know that!
Bob's father: Ah ha! So I guess you'd like to be a writer. Not a famous football player, right?
F Bob: Well, I think I'd be a famous footballer. I like Messy very much.
Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number
There is one word that you do not need. There is one example (0).
Hi, I'm Le. I'm 10 years old. Let me tell you about my dream. I'd like to be an (0) architect in the future
because I'd like to design schools very much. Look at this picture. This is a nice (1)
primary children. There are many (2)
in this building. There is also a beautiful (3).
with a lot of books for children. After school, the children can play football with their friends in the
school (4) or swim in a modern swimming (5).
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
21/03/2023 12:35:24
+5đ tặng
Thứ tự: C - F - A - D - E - B

C. Bob's father: You stay in your room all day, Bob. What would you like to be when you grow up?
F.  Bob: Well, I think I'd be a famous footballer. I like Messy very much.
A. Bob's father: Oh, really? So, why don't you get up early, and play football with your friends Tony and Tom every morning?
D. Bob: Daddy, it is summer time, so hot. I can't play football. I'm in my room to write and draw my football comic book, you know that!
E. Bob's father: Ah ha! So I guess you'd like to be a writer. Not a famous football player, right?
B. Bob: Well, maybe you're right, Dad.

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