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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
03/04/2023 21:40:37

Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence. (1-20)
1. She started to jog in
Cua Dai beach. (towards/ the line of/ the direction of / the front
in the world. (temple/city/ pagoda/ statue)
by the Colorado over millions of year ago. (was formed / was given
a great hero of their country. (remember / memorize / honor/
_sea level. (o
2. Angkor Wat is the largest_
3. The Great Canyon
was built/ was constructed)
4. They built the temple to
5. It's quite cool in Da Lat at night because the city is more than 1,600 meters__
/above / on /high)
She asked him
he liked eating raw fish. (but / and/ if / then)
Centuries ago, a Greek man named Antipater of Sidon_ a list of what he thought were the
seven wonders of the world. (included / compiled / designed / put)
in 1924 by C.W.Rice. (was invented / invented / has been invented / was
8. Loudspeaker
9. I don't know what (to do / for doing / to be done / be done)
10. A bill
to you at the end of the month.(will sent/ will be send/ will be sent / will be
11. Gosh, that lesson was really; I nearly went to sleep. (bored / boring / interested/
12. Please tell me to get to the bus station. (what/ which/ why / how)
13. The police have found a
that may help them to catch the thief. (point / clue / guess /
14. I watched a film "The Clockwork Orange" (called / calling / were called / be called)
15. Mike explained that he wouldn't be home because he
work late. (have to / had to / has to/
has had to)
16. Helen sounded
when I talked to her. (happy / happily / easy /easily)
17. All of the children are participated_ decorations for their classroom. (to make / for making/
in making / of making)
every morning. (for a run / to run / for run/ to running)
on his trip, Tom renewed his passport. (leaving / he leave / leaves / left)
where she lived. (out/to/up/off)
18. I go
19. Before
20. We drove along Market Street and she pointed_
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Thu Giang
03/04/2023 21:47:27
+5đ tặng
  1. towards
  2. temple
  3. was built
  4. honor
  5. above 
  6. if
  7. included

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