Over-exercising can lead to negative consequences on one's physical and mental health. The reasons for over-exercising can vary from worrying too much about physical appearance to pressure from social standards. Some may strive to build the perfect body with weight loss, toned legs, and a lean physique. Boys may feel the pressure to look fit, muscular and toned, and may become obsessed with building their arm or leg muscles. Girls, on the other hand, may struggle with self-dissatisfaction and fear of being overweight. The media often portrays models with thin waistlines and flat bellies, leading to the belief that this is the ideal body type. However, over-exercising can result in physical injuries such as muscle strains or even more serious conditions such as anorexia. It is important for over-exercisers to recognize that the perfect body does not exist and that everyone's body is unique. Listening to one's body and balancing exercise with rest and a healthy diet is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.