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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
13/07/2023 06:51:12

For each question, choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Reading Part 1 - For each question, choose the correct answer
A. The tickets are cheaper if bought
B. The tickets should be paid later.
C. Lily should buy the books online.
Hi Lily,
I want to talk to you
about our concert
tickets. If we book
online today, we will
pay less. What do
you think?
Please ask for
kid chairs at
the reception.
Seaworld's notice
Reading Part 1 - For each question, choose the correct answer
Our restaurant will be
closed from 20 Jan to 23
Jan for the Lunar New
Year break. We
apologize for any
The customers:
A. should ask the receptionist to
A. Seaworld is going to close to
repair broken equipment.
B. Seaworld is going to give their
customers a new year party.
C. Seaworld is not going to serve
its customers for a few days.
take care of their babies.
B. should ask the receptionist for
seats for their babies.
C. should have the receptionist
keep their babies' seats.
Half-price for all
kinds of juice
(Special offer Monday
to Friday only)
A. You can buy half-price juice
all week.
B. Some kinds of juice will be
sold at half-price.
C. Buying juice on weekdays
costs less than on weekends.
Sarah! This is
Meghan. My car is
broken down and
I'm in front of Pax
Hotel on Hill Street
now. Please help
A. Meghan's car has a problem and
she needs help.
B. Sarah's car is broken and she
should come right now.
C. Meghan wants to book a room at
Pax hotel.
I've booked a table
for our family at
Twinkle restaurant
tonight. Ask the
kids to dress up
and I'll get home
and pick you up at
six p.m.
A. Hannah's family won't have dinner
at home.
B. Hannah's husband will get home late
because he's busy.
C. Hannah's kids will get home at 6 p.m.
after having dinner at a restaurant.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
tung vu
26/07/2023 17:29:39
Hi Lily, I want to talk to you about our concert tickets. If we book online today, we will pay less. What do you think? Julie

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