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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
03/08/2023 15:12:46
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For each question, choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
The New
by Simon
Last week my school got the chance to take part in a week's work
experience in The New Forest. We were helping a charity that
protects and counts the ponies that live in The New Forest.
It was really interesting work so I was excited to be able to take
part. The ponies are free to go wherever they want to, which is
wonderful, but it also puts them in danger sometimes. I stayed in
a beautiful wooden hostel in the middle of the forest with some
other charity workers. It was a basic building but warm and
cosy and I got a free bed and food while I was working with the
ponies. We shared a dormitory with eight beds in it, so at night
we chatted to each other and I really got to know everyone.
One of the things that shocked me during my time in the forest
was that tourists do not act responsibly in the forest. I can un
derstand that they are excited about seeing the ponies and that
they have come to enjoy the beautiful forest, but they don't
understand that they shouldn't get too close to the ponies.
This isn't because the ponies are dangerous. Actually, quite the
opposite is true as they are usually very friendly. They will often
13. One of the problems ponies face is that
A. people treat them very badly.
B. they live in bad weather conditions.
come up to tourists who are hav
ing a picnic and try to steal their
problem is that the ponies should
food, which is really funny. The
11. Simon describes the accommodation
A. as quite uncomfortable, having to share a room with others.
B. as standard but inviting for guests.
C. as unexpectedly modern and luxurious.
D. as expensive, if one takes into account what was offered.
14. What effect has the experience had on Simon?
A. He wants to live near the forest.
C. He wants to buy a pony if he can afford to.
not be encouraged to get too
close to people in case they start to depend on them.
12. What was Simon's attitude towards tourists?
A. He enjoyed talking to them about animal issues.
B. He thought they should not be allowed in The New Forest anymore.
C. He believed they needed to be more educated about the ponies.
D. He tried to teach them about the wildlife in the forest but failed.
Unfortunately, many ponies are hit by cars every year. There
are several roads that go through the forest and tourists drive
way too fast. I don't think people realise that they are causing
problems and there should be lots of notices everywhere,
telling them how to behave near the ponies.
The wild ponies of The New Forest can be
C. quite dangerous and tourists have to protect
themselves from them.
Generally, it was a wonderful experience and it has taught me
something I wouldn't have thought about before. I'll probably
that I want to study for a degree in animal behaviour. This is
study in London as I love living in the city and I will definitely
come and help in the forest again. I'm so happy that I spent
the week working with the ponies. It was not only educational
and interesting but a lot of fun, too.
C. they die as a result of car accidents involving tourists.
D. they are completely dependent on humans for their survival.
15. What might Simon say about his experience in The New Forest?
A. After spending a week helping in The New Forest,
I am more certain than ever that animals need
our help and attention.
Reading Part 3 Exam Tips
First, read quickly (skim) the text and get
a general understanding of what the text
is about. Now carefully read the text
again word by word.
Make sure that you work on one question
at a time and carefully compare each
option before selecting the right one.
Have another look at the option you have
chosen and check again that it does
match the question.
B. He wants to study animals at university.
D. He doesn't want to work with a charity again.
Questions 11 to 14 are in the same order
as the information appears in the text.
Question 15 looks at the overall meaning
of the text.
The New Forest is slowly being destroyed and this
is why the government should try to protect it.
I joined a project to ban all tourists from The
New Forest in order to protect the wild ponies.
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