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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
16/08/2023 12:47:00

Choose the correct word

12. I wasn't interested in film unti!! saw the first one.
13. She didn't stay up late until she reviewed for the final examination.
14. They didn't know his news until 2008
15. I didn't write to him until I got a letter from him.
16. He didn't study English until he was in grade 6
17. I didn't believe him until he told the truth.
18. Susan didn't come to evening classes until I asked.
19. My sister didn't speak English fluently until she practiced regularly.
V. Choose the correct word.
1. At first I thought Jake was an interesting interested guy, but tonight I felt a bit boring/bored
with his company.
2. She has really learnt very fast. She has made astonishing/astonished
d. almused
3. It was
a. disappointin
4. What a terrible
a. delightful
8. 'How does Jane
a. delighted
11. The cabaret
a. amuse
12. I think the w
a. shock
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Lê Thủy
16/08/2023 14:29:23
+5đ tặng
12 Not until I saw the first one was I interested in this film
13 Not until she reviewed for the final examination did she stay up late
14 Not until 2008 did they know this knees
15 Not until I got a letter from him did he study English
16 Until he was in grade 6 did I believe him
17 Until he told the truth did I believe him
18 Until I asked did Susan come to the evening classes
19 Not until my sister practiced regularly did she speak English fluently
1 interesting/ bored
2 astonished
3 disappointing

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Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Thu Giang
16/08/2023 16:11:09
+4đ tặng
12. I wasn't interested in film unti!! saw the first one.
 Not until I saw the first one was I interested in this film
13. She didn't stay up late until she reviewed for the final examination.
Not until she reviewed for the final examination did she stay up late
14. They didn't know his news until 2008
Not until 2008 did they know this knees
15. I didn't write to him until I got a letter from him.
Not until I got a letter from him did he study English
16. He didn't study English until he was in grade 6
Until he was in grade 6 did I believe him
17. I didn't believe him until he told the truth.
Until he told the truth did I believe him

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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