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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
20/08/2023 09:37:47

Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friend

Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friend (ngắn thôiii)
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Recently, I had an interesting discussion with my friend about the future of technology and its impact on society. We both have a keen interest in advancements in technology and how it shapes our lives.

We started by discussing the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential consequences. We debated whether AI would eventually surpass human intelligence and what that would mean for the job market. While my friend believed that AI could lead to widespread unemployment, I argued that it would create new job opportunities and enhance productivity in various industries.

We then moved on to the topic of virtual reality (VR) and its potential applications. We both agreed that VR had the potential to revolutionize various fields, such as education, entertainment, and healthcare. We discussed the possibility of virtual classrooms, where students could have immersive learning experiences, and how VR could be used for therapeutic purposes, such as treating phobias or PTSD.

The discussion then shifted towards the ethical implications of technology. We debated the ethical use of data and the importance of privacy in the digital age. We discussed the potential dangers of surveillance and the need for regulations to protect individuals' rights.

Overall, it was a thought-provoking discussion that allowed us to explore different perspectives on the future of technology. It was fascinating to exchange ideas and contemplate the potential benefits and challenges that lie ahead.
20/08/2023 09:40:54
+5đ tặng

spending time with friends is, in my opinion, one of the greatest ways to recharge in our fast-paced world today. And I’d like to share with you a time I killed myself laughing having a chit-chat with one of my college friends, whom I hadn’t met since we graduated.

It was three months ago, when I was buying some stuff at a convenience store in my neighborhood, that I bumped into her. It turned out we lived in the same district, but we just never knew that. We then went grab some coffee and told each other how life’d treated us. She said she’d just come back from a wonderful trip to Lisbon, Portugal, which was a bit of a last-minute decision, and she actually hadn’t known that much about Lisbon before she went. I was in awe listening to her because I’d always dreamt of visiting that place one day. One of the coolest things she did was jump in a tuk-tuk with a guide. I asked her what a tuk-tuk was and she explained it was like a little motorbike with a cabin on the back where you could sit. 

The most incredible part was that she met and fell in love with a guy from France, who was also on holiday. She added that she had never believed in ‘love at first sight’ until the day she met him. I was so happy for her that she finally found her significant other. They now have a long-distance relationship, but he’s gonna go to Vietnam in a couple of months to visit her. We’ll definitely meet up again when her boyfriend comes. 

Our talk went on and on for hours without us realizing that. Honestly, I ended up showing up late for a family gathering later on, but it was kinda worth it because we had so much fun chatting. 

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