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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
22/08/2023 14:12:01

Sentences with "advise, beg, order, urge, agree, decide,..

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VII. Sentences with "advise, beg, order, urge, agree, decide,...
41. She advised me to sell that house.
42. They begged us to help him.
43. He orders us to clean the floor.
44. He recommends me to do the job.
45. She urged him to visit her parents as soon as possible.
VIII. Some special sentences:
46. It is dangerous for us to take the short cut.
47. You need to have your hair cut.
48. You must see it to believe it.
49. He wants someone to take some photographs.
50. We enjoy writing letters
IX. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
51. Toshico had her car (repair) by a mechanic.
52. Ellen got Marvin (type) her paper.
53. We got our house (paint) last week.
54. Dr. Byrd is having the students (write) a composition.
1 trả lời
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22/08/2023 14:26:07
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46, She advised me to sell that huose.
I was advised to sell that house.
47, They begged us to help him.
we were begged to help him
48, He orders us to clean the floor.
it is ordered that the floor be cleaned
49, He recommends me to do he job.
it is recommended that the job be done
50, She urged him to visit her parents as soon as possible.
he was urged to visit her parents as soon as possible

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