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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
18/10/2023 20:15:55

Ambition is considered to be a good quality for students to have. How important is it to success in studying?

Ambition is considered to be a good quality for students to have.How important is it to success in studying?iDo you think it is a good or bad quality?Write an essay of about 250 words ro express your opinion.
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Ambition is often regarded as a positive quality for students to possess, as it can drive them to achieve their goals and excel in their studies. However, the importance of ambition in achieving success in studying is subjective and can vary depending on the individual. While ambition can be a powerful motivator, it is not the sole determinant of success, and its impact can be both positive and negative.

On one hand, ambition can be a driving force that pushes students to work hard, set high goals, and strive for excellence in their academic pursuits. It can provide them with a sense of purpose and direction, enabling them to stay focused and committed to their studies. Ambitious students are often more likely to take on challenging tasks, seek out opportunities for growth, and persevere through obstacles, all of which are crucial for success in studying.

On the other hand, an excessive or misplaced ambition can have detrimental effects on students' well-being and academic performance. When ambition becomes an obsession, students may become overly competitive, neglecting their mental and physical health in pursuit of their goals. This can lead to burnout, stress, and a decline in academic performance. Moreover, an excessive focus on achieving success can hinder students from exploring other areas of interest, limiting their personal and intellectual growth.

In my opinion, ambition is a double-edged sword that can be both beneficial and detrimental. It is important for students to have a healthy level of ambition that drives them to work hard and strive for success, but not at the expense of their well-being and overall development. Students should be encouraged to set realistic goals, maintain a balance between their academic and personal lives, and pursue their passions with a sense of purpose and joy.

In conclusion, while ambition can be a valuable quality for students to possess, its importance in achieving success in studying should not be overstated. It is crucial for students to find a balance between ambition and well-being, ensuring that their drive for success does not overshadow their overall growth and happiness.
18/10/2023 20:22:08
+5đ tặng

Some people are of the opinion that being ambitious has a good impact. I believe it is very necessary to be goal getting. I will discuss both the importance of being an ambitious person and examine whether it is a positive or negative trait.

Why is it important to be ambitious? Being goal driving means an individual becomes flexible. This is because they are able to face and conquer difficulties as they surface, and they are able to live largely and achieve their dreams.

There are some reasons why people think being ambitious has a positive effect. Firstly, it enables an individual to attain their set goal. Completing a target can make anyone triumph regardless of any obstacle in their way. Take, for instance, a renowned businessman made a speech recently and said he had once experienced bankruptcy during its thriving days, but presently he is doing well. There is no doubt that being goal driving has a positive impact.

However, ambition has its drawbacks. Someone who is goal-getting may become obsessed with achieving success and do not have time for his family and friends. This may lead to him experiencing a strained relationship. As a result, some successful people live lonely life. Take, for instance, and there is various news on the internet about successful people committing suicide.

In conclusion, ambition is of great importance in achieving success in life, and it helps propel a person to their goals. Being ambitious is no doubt a positive character, as long as a person does not hurt anyone along the way.

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18/10/2023 20:32:21
+4đ tặng
Ambition is often regarded as a positive trait, especially for students. It is the driving force behind setting goals, working hard, and striving for success. In the context of studying, ambition plays a crucial role in achieving academic excellence. However, whether ambition is a good or bad quality depends on how it is channeled and balanced. Having ambition in studying is important as it provides students with a clear sense of purpose and direction. It fuels their motivation to excel academically, pushes them to set challenging goals, and encourages them to put in the necessary effort to achieve those goals. Ambitious students are more likely to take on challenging subjects, seek additional learning opportunities, and engage in self-improvement activities. They are willing to go the extra mile, work hard, and persevere through difficulties, which are essential qualities for success in studying. On the other hand, excessive ambition can have negative consequences. When ambition becomes obsessive or leads to unhealthy competition, it can create unnecessary stress, anxiety, and burnout. Students may prioritize grades and achievements over personal well-being and neglect other important aspects of their lives. It is crucial for students to strike a balance between ambition and self-care, ensuring that they maintain a healthy mindset and overall well-being. In conclusion, ambition is a valuable quality for students to have in their academic journey. It serves as a driving force that motivates and pushes them to achieve their goals. However, it is important for students to cultivate a healthy balance between ambition and self-care to avoid negative consequences. With the right mindset and approach, ambition can be a powerful tool for success in studying and personal growth.
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