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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
29/10/2023 19:18:32
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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
These are the famous monarch butterflies. Every year, they fly more than 4,500 kilometres from Canada
and North America down to the mountains of Mexico. It's the longest journey of any butterfly. Their
journey usually starts in September or October. They can sometimes fly more than 100 kilometres in one
day and they often fly very high too - perhaps 1.6 kilometres ! Imagine thousands of butterflies in the sky.
They are orange and black with enomous wings. Sadly, many don't survive the long and dangerous journey
because they become very cold.
1/ The butterflies fly from North America and Canada to Mexico.
2/ In one hour, the monarchs can go more than 100 kilometres.
3/ The butterflies haven't got very big wings.
4/ When it's very hot, a lot of the butterflies die.
B/ New research shows that it is bad for children to watch TV, tablet or mobile phone scree
reens before
bedtime. There are over 60 different studies on how screen time affects children. 90 per cent points out that
more screen time is associated with late bedtime, fewer hours of sleep, and poorer sleep quality." Screens
are becoming smaller and smaller, so children can look at them in bed. More than 75 per cent of children in
the study have some kind of screen in their bedroom.
Children need a lot more sleep than adults. Pre-school children need 10 to 13 hours, pre-teens should get
between 9 and 12 hours, and teenagers should get between 8 and 10 hours a night. There are three main
reasons how screens affect children's sleep. First, the light from screens upsets a child's body clock. The
light from screens getting into children's eyes before they sleep keeps them awake. Second, children often
watch videos of things that interest them. This keeps their brain active, so they take longer to sleep. Finally,
when children are watching screens, they are not exercising. Children need physical activity to make them
1. The article mention in the first sentence: TV, tablet or mobile phone.
2. Screens are getting brighter and brighter.
3. Pre-teens should get between 8 and 10 hours to sleep.
4. Children don't need physical activity to make them tired.
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