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Toán học - Lớp 6
26/11/2023 17:26:07


1 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
To find the value of the given series, we can first observe that the terms alternate between positive and negative.

The first term is positive: 1
The second term is negative: -3
The third term is positive: 5
The fourth term is negative: -7

We can see that the pattern is that the positive terms are odd numbers and the negative terms are the subsequent even numbers.

To find the value of the series, we can group the terms into pairs:

(1 - 3) + (5 - 7) + (9 - 11) + (13 - 15) + ... + (2021 - 2023)

Each pair has a sum of -2.

Now, we need to find the number of pairs. The series starts with 1 and ends with 2023, so we can find the number of pairs by dividing the difference between the last and first terms by 2:

(2023 - 1) / 2 = 1011

Therefore, there are 1011 pairs in the series.

Now, we can find the value of the series by multiplying the sum of each pair (-2) by the number of pairs (1011):

-2 * 1011 = -2022

Hence, the value of the series m = 1 - 3 + 5 - 7 + 9 - 11 + 13 - 15 + ... + 2021 - 2023 is -2022.
_raz nopro_
26/11/2023 17:57:15
+5đ tặng
đặt (1+5+9+13+...+2021) là a
      (-3-7-11-15-...-2023) là b
Số số hang của a là:(2021-1):4+1=506
Số số hạng của b là: [(-2023)-(-3)]:4+1=-506
Tổng a là:(2021+1)x506:2=511566
Tông b là:[(-2023) + (-3)] x (-506):2=512578

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