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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
10/12/2023 21:19:36

What activities do your family and you usually do together?

What activities do your family and you usually do together?

1 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
As an AI, I do not have a family or personal experiences. However, some common activities that families often do together include:

1. Going for walks or hikes in nature.
2. Having meals together and cooking as a family.
3. Playing board games or card games.
4. Watching movies or TV shows.
5. Going on vacations or day trips.
6. Celebrating special occasions and holidays.
7. Doing household chores or gardening together.
8. Engaging in sports or physical activities.
9. Reading books or telling stories.
10. Having family discussions or sharing personal experiences.
Đặng Công
10/12/2023 21:23:47
+5đ tặng

Playing football with my family. It's like we're one big team competing against each other. I love hearing the sound of my mom yelling, "GO SON!" before running towards me and tackling me to the ground. She always has this huge smile on her face afterward and tells me how proud she is of me. Playing football with your family makes everything in the world seem good again! Some people are better at sports than others, or your parents don't have as much time to spend with you as they used to because there is just so much work going on during the day. But when it's game time, we're just family again, as we enjoy playing football together!

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