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Tiếng Anh - Đại học
24/12/2023 09:09:20
Giải bài có thưởng!

Change the sentences below to make them correct. Use contractions where possible

Change the sentences below to make them correct. Use contractions where possible.
2. Jim hasn't eaten Greek food before.
3. They didn't watch the sunset near the Temple of Poseidon.
4. Jim rode a donkey.
5. Now he's back home in New Zealand.
Now ...............................................................
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
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Day I
We arrived in Piraeus early this morning. Liz has never seen the Parthenon. I've been
to Athens once before, so I'm going to be her tour guide. We're going there tonight!
In the afternoon, we went by train from Piraeus into the city of Athens, and walked
up to the Parthenon - amazing!
Day 2
Back to Athens again and this time we found a restaurant in the Plaka area. We've
eaten Greek food many times back in New Zealand, but this is real Greek food! This
is the first time in my life that I've tried octopus and it was delicious!
Day 3
We stayed overnight in Athens and then took a bus down to Cape Sounion in the
afternoon to visit the Temple of Poseidon. We've seen many sunsets in our lives, but
this was the most beautiful - the sun going down into the Aegean Sea.
Day 4
We left Piraeus early this morning and sailed for twenty hours to the island of
Santorini. We arrived in the old port late in the evening. Tomorrow morning we're
going up to the village - by donkey! I've ridden horses, camels, and elephants but I've
never ridden a donkey!
Day 5
Donkey disaster! I'm writing this from a hospital bed in Athens. We started our
donkey ride this morning and I made a big mistake: I walked behind the donkey and
it kicked me in the stomach! There was no hospital on the island, so they took me by
helicopter to Athens. I've broken three bones... and I still haven't ridden a donkey.
But I have flown in a helicopter!
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