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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
27/12/2023 21:24:40

Write an essay (120-150 words) about the causes and solutions of global warming. You can use the following questions as cues. What are possible solutions. What is global warming

Write an essay (120-150 words) about the causes and solutions of global warming. 15 16 17 You can use the following questions as cues. What are possible solutions? What is global warming? - What are its causes? + Prevent deforestation and tree-clearing + deforestation + Plant more trees + burning fossil fuels + Reduce the amount of electricity generated from coal and gas + farming + Increase the amount of electricity from clean, renewable energy sources like solar and wind + Use methane-catching face masks for 
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Ngắn thôi ạ khoảng 120-150 thôi ạ ❤️
1 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Global warming is a pressing issue that is affecting our planet. It refers to the increase in the Earth's average temperature due to the greenhouse effect caused by human activities. There are several causes of global warming, including deforestation, burning fossil fuels, farming, and the use of coal and gas for electricity generation.

To combat global warming, there are several possible solutions. One solution is to prevent deforestation and tree-clearing, as trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Another solution is to plant more trees, as they help to absorb carbon dioxide and reduce the greenhouse effect. Additionally, reducing the amount of electricity generated from coal and gas and increasing the use of clean, renewable energy sources like solar and wind can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Furthermore, using methane-catching face masks in farming can help to reduce the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. These solutions, if implemented on a global scale, can contribute to mitigating the effects of global warming and preserving our planet for future generations.
27/12/2023 21:25:18
+5đ tặng

One of the biggest problems facing humans nowadays is global warming. The Earth is heating up: warmer temperatures are causing changes in climate around the world. Human demand for natural resources has increased rapidly, especially in developing countries. Human activities have led to the pollution of the environment, threatening living conditions for millions of species, including people themselves. If we do not take actions to reduce the risks now, the impacts of global warming on us will become more and more severe. The essay will discuss the problem of global warming, its causes and effects and suggest some solutions for it.

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth due to the increase of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane and others in the atmosphere. People pollute the environment by burning fossil fuels; cutting down trees for farmland, wood and paper; increasing the use of chemical fertilizers on croplands... Human activities have serious consequences on the life on Earth. We have so far witnessed more severe storms, heat waves, droughts, floods and hight tides. Under extreme weather conditions, people have to suffer heat-related illnesses and infectious diseases.

Global waming is seriously affecting our life on Earth in many ways, so everyone of us should do something to reduce it. Begin at home by reducing energy use: unplug all electronic devices when they are not use, avoid lighting at day time, use solar energy instead; saving clean water; planting trees or growing our own foods. Walking and biking to work are green methods of transport, good for health.

In conclusion, global warming is throating human beings and millions of species Earth. The Earth is the common home for all of us and because of this great attend should be paid to environmental problems. Taking small but effective actions such reducing energy use, saving natural resources, planting trees or using green means L transportation can make the Earth a better place to live.

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