Many customers say the clothes'
1. Many customers say the clothes'. A. price B. colour C. size 2. A digital wallet allows you to securely make purchases without carrying. A. cash B. debit card C. bank transfer D. credit card 3. Most Vietnamese. get a little income from selling street food near public places. A. supermarkets B. convenience stores C. street vendors D. open-air markets 4. If a product costs $45, with a 10% subtracting 10% of $45. A. discount B. voucher C. gift card D. coupon 5. Shop owners may utilize store space by positioning the products attractively. A. off B. during 6. If something is than by machines. A. hand-made 7. Does "buy one get one for another item? C. on is too small or too big when returning the items. D. style already been purchased. B. items it is made by someone using their hands or using tools rather the final price would be calculated by B. home-made C. man-made B. sellers A. goods 10. Due to the high level of competition, various social media channels. A. shoppers D. for D. home-grown ______* mean I get the same item twice or can I choose A. expensive B. cheap C. reasonable D. free 8. Online stores are available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have Internet both at work and at home. A. surfer B. access 9. After-sales C. browser D. post are supports provided to the customers after the products have C. services display most C. shippers D. cargos need to promote their products online on D. buyers